Coronavirus: Brazil reaches 11,123 deaths and exceeds 160,000 cases – 05/10/2020


Brazil reached 11,123 deaths from the new coronavirus today, according to the latest data published by the Ministry of Health. There were 496 confirmed deaths in the last 24 hours.

The portfolio also announced that, so far, the country has registered 162,699 confirmed cases of covid-19. From yesterday to today, there were 6,760 new diagnoses.

According to simulations carried out by researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) and published today by the newspaper “O Globo”, the number of deaths from the disease can double in 20 days.

Understand the calculation Ministry of Health

The number of confirmed diagnoses and deaths in the last 24 hours did not necessarily occur on the last day.

According to the Ministry of Health, deaths and cases may have occurred since the start of the pandemic in the country, but they were only tested as covid-19 between yesterday and today.

Due to this retroactive update, deaths that occurred, for example, a month ago, are counted in the daily calculation, greatly altering the perception of the pandemic’s progress.

Bolsonaro compares Maranhão with Venezuela

Previously, President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) compared the blockade determined in São Luís, Maranhão, with the social chaos experienced by Venezuela.

São Luís was the first city in the country to adopt the confinement, in an attempt to stop the increase in cases of the new coronavirus. After the capital of Maranhão, the measure was also effective in some cities of Pará, in Fortaleza (CE) and Niterói (RJ)

Bolsonaro posted a video on Twitter, of an unspecified date, to criticize the administration of the governor of Maranhão, Flávio Dino (PCdoB). The images show a military police officer conducting a search inside a bus.

The agent questions which passengers are using the transport to carry out “essential activities”, that is, within the exceptions provided in the decree that tightened the quarantine in the state due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Measurements confinement They are being discussed in other states, which are evaluating whether to adopt them or not.
