Corinthians does not pay the bill and São Jorge Park does not have electricity.


Corinthians did not pay the last electricity bill and the electricity was cut in the São Jorge Park.

The club has electric power generators, but the help has not been enough to avoid damaging the stocks of tenants who need to store products in freezers and refrigerators.

São Jorge Park is closed to members (Photo: Djalma Vassão / Gazeta Press)

A Sports Gazette I contacted this Saturday night with André Luiz de Oliveira, known as André Negão. The Corinthian administrative director said he was caught off guard by the information, as he participated in a live next to Vampeta, on Friday, exactly in the São Jorge Park.

After investigating the facts, the director confirmed the news of the power outage and explained that the club did not receive the March bill and therefore there was a problem.

The promise is that by Monday everything will be resolved.

As of March 25, by decision of Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency), the cut in the supply of electrical energy to urban and rural residential consumers and essential activities to face the pandemic of the new coronavirus (covid-19) were suspended. ).

São Jorge Park, however, is not among the beneficiaries of this determination. That is, until payment is made, the club will remain in the dark.

The situation is not causing any major inconvenience because São Jorge Park has been closed since March 18 in another preventive measure adopted to contain the spread of the new coronavirus.
