Congressman asks Flávio Bolsonaro to lose a Senate seat if convicted of ‘cracking’ | Rio de Janeiro


The Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro (MPRJ) asked the Justice that Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans-RJ) lose his position if he is convicted, with res judicata, in the case of the so-called “crackers” – scheme in which find part of employee wages.

The request is part of the complaint presented to the Special Body of the Court of Justice of RJ this Wednesday (4).

  • The deputy says that Flávio Bolsonaro’s chief of staff in the Senate was ‘decisive’ in the ‘cracking’ schemes in Alerj

Prosecutors also request that, if the defendants are convicted, they be prevented from holding public office or functions for a period of eight years, as of the execution of the sentences.

Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans-RJ), former assistant Fabrício Queiroz and 15 more investigated were denounced for criminal organization, embezzlement, money laundering and embezzlement in the “cracked” scheme, at the time when Flávio Bolsonaro was a state deputy.

The MP also requests compensation in favor of RJ do minimum value of R $ 6,100,091.95 to repair public coffers for the damages caused by the crimes of embezzlement charged, jointly and severally, between Flávio Bolsonaro, Fabrício Queiroz and Miguel Ângelo Braga Grillo, the senator’s chief of staff.

Even as an effect of the criminal conviction, the MP also requests that the loss of property, rights and values ​​related directly or indirectly to the practice of crimes be decreed in favor of RJ.

One of the objectives defined by the prosecution is the apartment located on Avenida Lúcio Costa, in Barra da Tijuca, West Zone of Rio, and that would belong to the senator.

The Public Ministry also demands the maintenance of the Queiroz y Márcia prison. If you accept, the judge evaluates whether you remain under house arrest.

The investigations began in 2018 after a report by the former Coaf, the Financial Activities Control Council, identified suspicious movements in Queiroz’s bank account.

According to the report, Queiroz moved R $ 1.2 million between January 2016 and January 2017.

It is estimated that approximately R $ 2.3 million have been handled in the “cracked” scheme. The money, according to the investigation, was laundered in a chocolate shop in Rio, of which the senator is a partner and in real estate.

Flávio Bolsonaro denies all the accusations. In a statement, the defense says it is “prevented from commenting on secret court information. However, it can affirm that the congressman did not commit irregularities and that he is unaware of the alleged financial transactions between former Alerj employees. The defense also guarantees that all contracts made by Alerj, as far as the congressman is aware, followed the rules of the Legislative Assembly. And that any statement to the contrary is nothing more than fantasy and fiction “, says the note.

OR G1 contacted the others mentioned, but had no response until the last update of this report.

Understand the suspicion of ‘crack’ in Alerj that involves Flávio Bolsonaro when he was a state deputy in Rio de Janeiro and former adviser Fabrício Queiroz – Photo: Rodrigo Sanches and Juliane Souza / G1

