Congress calls for changes to benefit payments


At the beginning of September, the Provisional Measure was published establishing the extension of the emergency help until the end of the year, guaranteeing an additional up to R $ 1,200. Payment will be made in four installments between September and December, for the amount of R $ 300 each.

However, the deputy signed by President Jair Bolsonaro received 262 amendments in the National Congress. Most of the requests were made by deputies who defend the increase in the amount to be paid in the extension of the benefit. The proposed amendments could be submitted until September 8.

Although the proposals in general are intended to increase the amount of aid, the conditions to receive the R $ 600 vary. Among the parliamentarians in favor of the increase are Jandira Feghali (PC do B – RJ), José Guimarães (PT-CE) and Kim Kataguiri (DEM – SP).

Senator Eliziane Gama (Citizenship – MA), on the other hand, suggested that the payment be returned to R $ 600 per month only for families with young children, as they require more care. On the other hand, the PSB deputies Alessandro Molon (RJ), Mauro Nazif (RO) and Elias Vaz (GO) argue that the amount should be maintained for families registered in the Bolsa Família program.

Other amendments require more flexible conditions to qualify for the aid. In this case, the parliamentarians argue that the government stops requiring registration in the CPF or income declared in 2019 below R $ 28,559.70, for example, to grant payments.

Extension of emergency assistance

By law, all citizens who had their registration approved for emergency assistance will receive the five installments of the benefit in the amount of R $ 600. However, many will not be entitled to all the payments of the so-called residual emergency assistance, referring to the extension of the benefit until December. .

This is due to the fact that a large part of the beneficiaries began to receive deposits late, either because they took too long to enroll in the program or because of registration problems that caused a delay in the approval of the aid.

The deputy is linked to the state decree of public calamity in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, both are valid until December 31, 2020 and payments cannot exceed this period. Therefore, only the beneficiaries who received the first installment in April will receive the four additional installments of R $ 300.

Those who began receiving in May, June and July, will receive three, two and one installment, respectively. In addition, with the new regulations established in the MP, many beneficiaries will stop receiving aid.

It is worth mentioning that it is not necessary to register again in the program to receive emergency residual aid. Those who have been approved and still meet the program requirements will continue to receive normally.

Also read: Emergency aid: Government limits the value of the new installments to R $ 600 per family
