CONFIRMED! The INSS salary can reach R $ 6,300 in 2021


I’m 2021, or INSS You can pay R $ 6,351 for the roof. The values ​​of the salary floors may have a greater adjustment than previously foreseen in the Draft Law of Budgetary Guidelines (PLDO) of 2021. The change would favor those who receive the minimum wage of R $ 1,045, and retirees who receive benefits from the INSS.

The estimate of the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) was reviewed by the Ministry of Economy. This year’s INPC went from 2.35% to 4.10%. The indicator is used to change the minimum wage and the benefits paid by the INSS. If this increase occurs, the salary floor will increase from R $ 1,045 to R $ 1,087.85 in 2021.

Lawyer Giovanni Magalhães made a projection of how INSS profits could remain with the 4.10% INPC. According to him, what today is R $ 1,045, in the projection it would be R $ 1,087.85. The current value of R $ 6,101.06 would rise to R $ 6,351.20.

The INPC is also responsible for influencing the readjustment of other institute benefits. These include the prices of accident compensation, sickness benefit, Continuous Benefit Benefit (BPC), and disability retirement.

For those hoping to retire in 2021, receiving a larger amount, they may be frustrated, as retiring from the roof will only be possible for those who made the majority of their withdrawals for the largest amount. In addition to meeting the criteria of age and contribution time high enough to guarantee more than 100% of the average salary.

According to the calculations of Conde Consultoria Atuarial and the Instituto de Estudos Previdenciários (Ieprev), if the taxpayer has collected at the top and has the right to retire with the full benefit in November 2020, the amount will be R $ 5,628. The amount paid is R $ 472.81, lower than the current limit of R $ 6,101.06.

To reach the amount of R $ 6,351, projected for 2021, the listing time must be as follows:

  • 42 years old (female); and
  • 47 years old (male).


The rules for calculating the benefit vary depending on the time and type of benefit. In general, the average wages on which the worker contributed to social security will be taken into account after the Brazilian currency has been converted to real.

Thus, the average salary made by the INSS is approximately 100% of the contribution salaries received since July 1994. To achieve the highest amount, it is necessary to earn more than 100% of the average amount of all contributions made on the ceiling. .

See also: INSS goes to the residence to conduct an inspection of the insured; to see how
