The Federal Government announced that the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) grew from 2.35% to 4.1%, due to the increase in food prices. Therefore, the value of minimum salary it may be slightly higher than what had already been projected and go from R $ 1,045 today to R $ 1,087.85 in 2021.
The index is important, since the percentage is used to readjust the national floor and, consequently, the amount of benefits paid by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). As, for example, pensions, pensions, sickness benefits, among others.
If the new INPC projection is confirmed, the INSS roof it can go from R $ 6,101.06, this year, to R $ 6,351.20, starting in 2021. The ceiling serves to limit pension spending and thus maintain the balance of the institute’s accounts.
No actual increase
With the 4.1% increase in inflation, the minimum wage will increase by R $ 42.85. However, this increase would not be in real earnings, since the adjustment was made solely based on this year’s inflation projections. That is, it maintains only the purchasing power of the consumer.
The correction of the minimum wage, between 2007 and 2019, was based on Law 13,152, which provided for the readjustment of the amount based on the Gross domestic product (GDP) two previous years and by the variation of inflation. In this way, the salary increase occurred whenever there was economic growth.
However, in 2019, the government ended the policy of real adjustment of the minimum wage. Now, the national floor is limited to following the determination of the Constitution, which defends the preservation of the purchasing power of the worker.
Thus, the government obtains financial relief, since the increase in the floor automatically adjusts the benefits of social security and assistance. It is estimated that the R $ 1 increase in salary generates an expense of more than R $ 355 million per year in the public coffers.
Also read: INSS: Review should provide benefits up to 6 times higher for retirees; Check out!