CONFIRMED! 3 aid payments of R $ 100; see WHEN to receive


Besides the emergency help, paid by the Federal Government in nine installments to more than 68 million throughout the country, local governments deliver their benefits to serve citizens during the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

This time it was the Municipality of São Paulo that released the assistance benefit. According to the Municipal Government, the beneficiaries will begin to receive, as of tomorrow, December 9, the single payment referred to the quotas for October, November and December 2020. Called “Basic Emergency Income”, the benefit, sanctioned by the mayor . Bruno Covas (PSDB), will have a value of R $ 100 per month.

The benefit, which already has a calendar defined by the City Council, should reach more than 480 thousand families throughout the city. The payment schedule will follow the end of the NIS number (see below). The payment will be made to the accounts of the beneficiaries at Caixa Econômica Federal.

According to the rules to receive the benefit, whoever is disabled, regardless of age, will be entitled to the benefit in the amount of R $ 200 per month, not being valid for those who receive the BPC (Continuous Fee Benefit).

Payment schedule

End of NIS

  • 1 and 2 – Credit Date: 09/12
  • 3-4 – Credit Date: 10/12
  • 5-6 – Credit Date: 11/12
  • 7-8 – Credit Date: 12/14
  • 9 and 0 – Payment date: 12/15

Beneficiaries may, as of December 9, verify the status of the benefit through the Central and Portal 156.


The Basic Emergency Income aims to help vulnerable families registered in Bolsa Família until September 2020. In addition, the assistance program will assist families of informal street workers who meet the Bolsa Família criteria and have TPU (Term Permission) of Use) in force or registered in the “Tô Legal!” for commerce or the provision of mobile services.

Whoever has an Easy Account, Easy Savings Account or Savings Account, will receive the benefit in that account. For those who do not have a Caixa account, the City Council confirmed that a Digital Social Savings Account will be opened through the “Caixa Tem” application.

Those who prefer can access the value through an agency, with a valid photo ID, following the schedule described above.

For further inquiries, the citizen must access the website of the Municipal Secretariat for Social Assistance and Development. Additionally, Central 156 will be available.

See also: Confirmed! The aid of R $ 300 and R $ 600 will be paid again TOMORROW; look who receives
