Condensed milk remains in the Bolsonaro government, aid does not have


Social networks went crazy after viralizing a report by Rafaela Lima, from the Metrópoles portal, which shows that in 2020 the federal government acquired R $ 2.2 million in chewing gum, R $ 8.9 million in chocolates and R $ 31, 5 million in soft drinks. among other elements considered superfluous in a pandemic year that killed thousands and blew up the country’s budget.

The icing on the cake, or its filling, was the R $ 15.6 million consumed in the form of condensed milk, a product that Jair Bolsonaro likes to spend on bread at the Palácio do Alvorada.

Meanwhile, millions of Brazilians put these items aside when doing accounts in the supermarket due to rising prices for rice, beans, soybean oil. Last year, inflation for the poorest was 6.22% while that of the richest was 2.74%, according to the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea).

As a justification for the expenses, the Executive Power stated that it needs to support a troop, literally pointing out that the largest expense in this area was from the Armed Forces. You need to research the values. Even because the report shows that by consuming R $ 1.8 billion in food, the government spent 20% more than in 2019 – as a reference, the 2019 IPCA was 4.31%. Governments are expected to buy food, but also to take good care of public affairs.

If there was no hidden funds diversion scheme between chewing gum and condensed milk, that means that Bolsonaro is more insensitive to the situation in the country than he seems. Or more incompetent. Or both together.

Lobster there, wines here, superfluous expenses have occurred in all governments up to now and have also benefited members of the legislative and judicial powers. What has caused a different outrage at this time is that the president has been criticized for his necropolitics, consciously leading the country towards tragedy, avoiding being the leader the country needs during a humanitarian and economic crisis. A leader, for example, would ensure that spending is streamlined.

At the same time, the outrage comes from the government using the justification of the lack of resources to interrupt the payment of emergency aid in December. The benefit would not only guarantee the maintenance of workers at the time when the second wave leads to a new closure of activities, but would also help prevent a further slowdown in the economy.

In 2020, the government spent R $ 2.2 million on chewing gum, R $ 8.7 million on chocolates, R $ 31.5 million on soft drinks and R $ 15.6 million on condensed milk. Saving on this would not generate enough to provide continuity of emergency aid to tens of millions of poor families. But it would show that in the darkest moment in the country’s recent history, Bolsonaro does not touch the public machine as if he were attending a children’s party.

When you see these expenses, it’s like we hear the president say again “So what? I’m sorry. You want me to do what? I’m a Messiah, but I don’t do a miracle,” as I said. in April of last year, about those killed in the pandemic.

On March 15, 2020, at a pro-Bolsonaro rally in Rio de Janeiro, fans of the president carried signs with a gigantic “fuck you.” These expenses are another chapter of that era in which the government put us, the Foda-se Era.

The Bolsonaristas say, on social networks, that these values ​​are small compared to other bleeding in the budget, the same justification that is used to underestimate the diversion of public resources that, according to the Public Ministry, were commanded by Senator Flávio Bolsonaro ( Republicans- RJ), in what he agreed to call the “cracking scandal.” I mean, the slut happens when the other side gets involved.

The year begins without oxygen, without prospects for mass vaccination, without work, without emergency help. But with the guarantee that the government will not lack chewing gum, candies, soda, condensed milk and stick faces.
