Climber dies and another is trapped in a canyon wall after a rock slide in the Serra de SC | St. Catarina


One climber died and another was trapped at a height of 200 meters on Sunday morning (11), after a stone slipped from the Cañón del Espraiado, in Urubici, in the Serra de Santa Catarina. The rescue lasted six hours and was carried out by military police with the help of the Eagle helicopter.

The businessman Lucas de Zorzi, 39, received a blow to the head, was left unconscious and died during the route he was rappelling. With the accident, the man who was with him could not move from the wall and also had to be rescued. He suffered small bruises.

According to the survivor’s report, the stone slipped the moment he and Lucas climbed the canyon, around 10 a.m. M. After the accident, the man got an area on his cell phone and asked for help.

Being a region of difficult access, one of the five rescuers who participated in the rescue had to get off the helicopter by means of a rope. The team rescued Lucas, who was sent to Hospital Nossa Senhora do Prazeres, but with no vital signs. Then the helicopter returned to the scene and assisted the second climber.

Rescuers had to use the McGuire technique – Photo: Military Police / Disclosure

According to the Aviation Battalion of the Military Police, the operation was “marked by the high degree of difficulty due to the peculiarities of the place.” Rescuers had to use the McGuire technique, which consists of launching a suspended helicopter crew member by rappelling, lashing and immobilizing the victim, and hoisting with ropes.

Passionate about sports, Lucas had experience in extreme sports – Photo: Social Networks / Playback

Director of an equipment company for the wood industry, Lucas was the Brazilian champion of Artistic Wingsuit in 2015, 2016 and 2017, and South and Latin American record holder of the modality. He was also an instructor in the sport, based on the use of a winged jumpsuit for high performance flights.

Passionate about sports, he had experience in rock and high mountain climbing, and in snowboarding, skydiving and parachuting. Leave a son and a wife.

After revealing the businessman’s death, the Wingsuit club where Lucas was an instructor regretted an accident. In a post on social media, the school said Lucas was one of the best in the sport.

“And with great regret we have communicated to the entire community the loss of our great brother Lucas, an amazing friend, dedicated father and husband who as an athlete was among the best in the sport! You will always be in our minds and hearts. Rest in peace, dear brother, ”read the note published Sunday night.

When communicating the death of Lucas, Mill Indústria de Serras, located in Lages, also expressed its regret for the death of the company’s director. “Premature death tragically interrupts a trajectory marked by an adventurous spirit, by victories and achievements, leaving a great legacy of entrepreneurship and dedication that will serve as an example for future generations,” the statement said.

Lucas’s wake will take place until the afternoon of Monday (12), at the Parque da Saudade cemetery, in Lages.

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