The Civil Police working group, created to combat militia action in Baixada Fluminense, carried out a new action this Thursday. This time, the group, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Police (PRF), intercepted a convoy of militiamen at the PRF Rio-Santos post in Itaguaí. In the action, police officers from the Coordination of Special Resources (CORE), in joint action with and from the PRF, were attacked by the suspects, who carried rifles, machine guns and pistols.
According to the delegate Rodrigo Oliveira, Undersecretary of Planning and Operational Integration of the Civil Police, the convoy was made up of militiamen linked to Danilo Dias Lima, Danilo Tandera. They had been monitored for about 15 days by the intelligence service of the task force, which discovered the frequent movement of criminals on a route that connects the West Zone with the Baixada.
– Before reaching the PRF, there is a detour. In order not to pass in front of the post, they detoured along this secondary road. We were able to set up four or five such operations, but it only happened today. When they took the fork, we closed the secondary road and they were trapped – reports Oliveira.
The delegate also says that the first shot came from the gang, and a Core policeman was hit, but he was protected by the bulletproof vest. From that moment, the confrontation began. Eleven men linked to the Tandera died at the scene. The 12th came to the rescue, but he didn’t resist either. According to Oliveira, no suspects fled.
– I affirm with absolute conviction that we are on the right path -, evaluated the undersecretary on the action of the working group against the militia.
In the action, five rifles, three machine guns, pistols, ammunition, a grenade, communication devices and the four cars that were part of the convoy were seized.
On social media, neighbors denounced the action:
– Tense weather in Río Santos at the height of the PRF base, in Itaguaí. The information shows that militiamen were shot when confronting the agents – commented a profile.
Always first hand page.
Action in Nova Iguaçu
The Civil Police created this working group aimed at Baixada Fluminense in order to guarantee a free and safe election after two candidates for councilor were murdered in Baixada in an interval of less than 15 days. The crimes led the police to anticipate the group’s action, which was already being designed, as delegate Allan Turnowski, secretary of the Rio Civil Police, told EXTRA.
Likewise, according to the secretary, in order to increase support for investigations of crimes linked to political factors, delegates with experience in Baixada were placed in strategic positions.
On Wednesday night, in operation in the region known as Km 32, in Nova Iguaçu, the task force was received with rifle shots. Five deaths were confirmed at the scene. Five semiautomatic pistols, a replica rifle, military uniforms, bulletproof vest, radio communicator and three vehicles were seized.
The operation, carried out by civilian police from the Coordination of Special Resources (Core), aimed to verify the intelligence information of the Intelligence Secretariat (SSINT), which involved an encounter with at least 40 armed criminals in the place, all they linked to the militia. Ecko and Tandera would have been at the site.