Chris Flores was another personality who rebelled with the new developments in the case of Mariana Ferrer. After the dissemination of disgusting images of the trial of André de Camargo Aranha, the presenter criticized the attitude of the businessman’s lawyer in the “Crunching” this Wednesday (4). He came out in favor of the influencer and described the whole situation – in which Ferrer was publicly humiliated – as “lowlands.”
As soon as he asked for the floor to express his opinion, Chris argued on the issue of the term “guilty rape”, used by “The Intercept Brasil” to define the verdict in the case, as if the defendant “had no intention of raping” . “In fact, there is no such thing as ‘guilty rape’ in the process, okay? Does not have. Because they use other devices to achieve the intention, which is this “She explained.

The presenter continued to detonate the position of the lawyer Cláudio Gastão da Rosa Filho, calling him “ordinary” for having humiliated Mariana during the hearing. “It is normal to say that. Do you know why it is an ordinary? Because there are many people who think like him. Just open social media. There are people who even talk about a vehicle of communication, insulting the woman with nicknames that are not insulting, which I will not repeat here, because I have an education, and I am always thinking of the victim. Victim of this rotten and sexist society in which we live “, Shooting.
Flores emphasized that women have the right to do whatever they want and that this would never “justify” rape. “[Sociedade em] that women are guilty of drinking, walking in a miniskirt, even taking photographs in ‘gynecological poses’. Because we have the right to do all this if we want to. This does not mean, we are not walking with a sign, that we want to be raped. Because we want to be loved “he continued.

The journalist took the opportunity to talk about marital rape and advise her viewers that, even when they are married, women have the right not to want to have a relationship with their husbands. “Even you, the woman, who is married, who is with her husband in bed, if you want to stop, you have every right. If you want to go on and on, this is a violation. So women must understand this “she pointed.
In the sequence, Chris again criticized the way in which Mariana was mistreated before the Justice, claiming that women continue to report this type of violence. “When this kind of lowland that we saw happens, women feel intimidated and stop reporting. Do not stop reporting! We are together. And yes, this is feminism! It is women who shake hands and married women who are honored, women who have Christ, who have love in their hearts. We are all the same! “he added.

Didactically, the presenter went on to explain what, in fact, it is to be a feminist: What is feminism? You ask for equality. It is not the opposite of machismo, because machismo is rotten. Feminism is the union of women. And we are united. You don’t think a feminist is a bad woman, no. We all do. We deserve respect ”.
Finally, Chris expressed his wish for justice in the case, especially after the hearing, but the presenter also does not believe that this can happen. “And that everyone is punished, which I highly doubt. Because I think these people already earn a living, because even the prosecutor changed in the middle of the case. I’m not a fool, no “, finished. See the excerpt here:
Chris Flores ventes on the “Guilty Rape” case #CrushingNoSBT pic.twitter.com/28U6YOvVMq
– Focusing (@pfofocalizing) November 4, 2020
This morning, Fernanda Gentil also “broke the protocol” on TV Globo, using her space in the “Encontro” to vent about the new and disgusting developments in the Mariana Ferrer case. “We cannot silence the victims and relieve the guilty”, she said. The creator of the game Neto was another of those who rebelled live in Band’s “Os Donos da Bola”, criticizing the decision of the Justice on André de Camargo Aranha.
See the full “Crunching” article below:
Regrettable scenes in the Mari Ferrer case
Still in September, the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina (MPSC) reversed and dismissed the case of Mariana Ferrer, due to lack of evidence, the complaint against André de Camargo Aranha, accused of raping the blogger. It should be remembered, however, that the examinations carried out by the authorities showed that there was a carnal conjunction and rupture of the victim’s hymen, as well as the 43-year-old man’s semen was found in the influencer’s panties.
Prosecutor Thiago Carriço de Oliveira, for his part, accepted the argument that the defendant committed what was called “culpable violation”, which would be a “violation in which there is no intention to violate.” The infringement is unprecedented. It is an unprecedented sentence in the history of that country, and a crime never foreseen in the law. As no one can be convicted of a crime that is not established in the courts, the businessman was acquitted.

The Intercept Brasil website had access to the video of the audience in question, made remotely in July, and published it on Tuesday (3). In the session, the lawyer Cláudio Gastão da Rosa Filho, from André de Camargo, even showed copies of sensual photographs taken by the young woman as a professional model. The gesture was interpreted by netizens as an attempt to lean on the old-fashioned and misogynistic argument that women, when wearing short clothes, ask to be raped or raped.
The recording is a true sign of lack of professionalism, empathy and cowardice. Cláudio Gastão uses base arguments, he puts Mariana’s character in check through photographic poses and clothes she wears. The dialogues that belittle the young woman are incredible. “Mariana, let’s be honest, let’s tell the truth. You worked at the cafe, you lost your job, you’ve been renting for 7 months, you were a stranger. This is your bread, right Mariana? That’s the truth. It is your bread, the dishonor of others. Manipulate this story of being a virgin … “, said.
In one of the most moving moments, Ferrer cries and asks for respect. “I would like to respect you, Doctor, Excellency, I ask you respect, at the very least. Not even the defendants are treated like they treat me, for God’s sake, people! Even those accused of murder are not treated the way they treat me! I am an authorized person, I have never committed a crime against anyone ”, said.
Judge is reported to the CNJ
After Intercept Brasil published disgusting videos of the hearing, the judge responsible for the case, Rudson Marcos, was denounced at the Corregedoria Nacional de Justiça on Tuesday (3). In addition, the STF minister, Gilmar Mendes, demanded explanations about the “terrifying” scenes that were seen today.

Member of the National Council of Justice, counselor Henrique Ávila sued the CNJ with an official complaint against the judge of the Santa Catarina Court of Justice, Rudson Marcos. The magistrate took as a basis the recordings that appeared in the Intercept Brasil article. “The shocking images in the video show what amounts to a psychological torture session in the course of a procedural ceremony. The victim, in his testimony, is verbally attacked by Cláudio Gastão da Rosa Filho, the defendant’s lawyer ”, wrote in the document.
Henrique highlighted the atrocities that were committed against Mariana in the trial, which was carried out by video call. “The photos of the victim are classified as ‘gynecological’; his crying, as “hidden, false”; his exasperation, like a ‘crocodile tear’. The lawyer claims that he does not want to have a daughter or that his son is in a relationship with someone at the ‘level’ of the victim and that the ‘breadwinner of the victim’ is the ‘misfortune of others.’, he stressed.
“The shocking images of the video show what amounts to a psychological torture session in the course of a ceremony
procedural ”, wrote the advisor Henrique Ávila when requesting that the conduct of Judge Rudson Marcos be investigated in the Mariana Ferrer hearing. pic.twitter.com/hRIem1EEu0– Daniel worker (@DanAdjuto) November 3, 2020
For Henrique Ávila, Judge Rudson Marcos did not have a professional attitude to stop the attacks and humiliations that Ferrer suffered. “The magistrate, by not intervening, agrees to the violence committed against those who have already suffered disgusting sexual abuse. The victim, when requesting the intervention of the magistrate, rightly affirms that the treatment that is offered to him is not worthy even for those accused of atrocious crimes ”.he lamented. Henrique finished the document by asking “The immediate and complete investigation of the conduct of the judge.”
But it doesn’t stop there… The repercussions of the trial video caught the attention of Gilmar Mendes, minister of the Federal Supreme Court. “The scenes in the audience of Mariana Ferrer are gruesome. Justice must be an instrument of welcome, never of torture and humiliation. Corrective bodies must determine the responsibility of the agents involved, including those who did not act ”, he shared on his Twitter account.
The scenes in the audience of Mariana Ferrer are gruesome. Justice must be an instrument of welcome, never of torture and humiliation. Corrective bodies must determine the responsibility of the agents involved, including those who have not acted.
– Gilmar Mendes (@gilmarmendes) November 3, 2020
Rape of vulnerable
In July 2019, the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina followed the same understanding of the civil police in the investigation and argued that Mariana had no discernment to consent to sexual relations, which would have occurred in a private area of a party, on 15 from December. 2018, at the Café de La Musique beach club, in Jurerê Internacional, Florianópolis.
André Camargo de Aranha was then charged with the crime of rape of vulnerable people, which provides for situations of “carnal conjunction” or “practice of another libidinous act” under 14 years of age or “with someone who, due to illness or mental disability, does not the discernment necessary to practice the act, or that, for any other reason, cannot resist ”.

In her version, the young woman points out that she would have been doped and, therefore, did not remember what happened and, consequently, could not have consented to the relationship. The audios recorded by her on her cell phone at the time were also added to the police investigation. In them, he asked, in an embarrassed voice, to help at least three friends.
Find out all the details of the case, its repercussion in the fields of Justice and the conclusion of the process, by clicking here.