With more than 150 million votes, voter turnout in the United States has reached its highest level since 1900. But the fierce dispute between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump will be defined around less than 750,000 votes in hours, days or more. weeks.
The complex system of indirect voting in the United States and the tangle of numbers that each state publishes separately make tracking the result very different from what happens in Brazil, where the Electoral Justice is centralized and the ballot boxes are electronic.
BBC News Brazil below suggests four sites for those interested in tracking slow paper invoice counts with different levels of detail in real time.
1. Fox News, a pro-Trump vehicle that may be the first to declare Biden’s victory
Considered the main platform of support for Trump, the American payment channel was one of the only ones to project Biden’s victory in the state of Arizona. Only the Associated Press agency made a similar projection, while other vehicles considered the dispute open.
So if Biden also wins in Georgia, a contested state where there are fewer votes to count, the indirect election system account would be closed and the Democrat would win.
In other vehicles, Biden’s victory would hinge on a conclusion of the vote count in other states with an open dispute, such as Pennsylvania.
The largest American newspaper presents on its website a series of graphs to understand how the count between Trump and Biden is strengthened, as well as detailed maps on the vote in each state with open dispute.
Additionally, the New York Times also looks at exit polls, which offer a deeper insight into who the voters are in each of the 50 American states and what they think.
3. Real-time vote counting and groundbreaking trends
In this open source website created by a group of collaborators, the New York Times data is presented so that it is possible to follow step by step the entry of each new wave of votes counted in the states still open.
The platform also offers the possibility to analyze the trends of possible turns, such as Biden’s in Georgia this Friday morning (6/11).
The next to follow is Pennsylvania, a state that, by the size of its population (and the number of delegates in the Electoral College, 20), can finally define the outcome of the election.
4. First Draft: Political and electoral monitor of social networks
The First Draft News project, which among other topics studies the spread of fake news, created panels on the CrowdTangle platform in which it is possible to follow which are the most important and / or problematic topics that generated engagement on Facebook, Instagram and the Reddit forum .
One of these monitors presents the Facebook pages and groups with the most interactions about the US elections, the posts with the most engagement on Instagram, among other information. In both English and Spanish.
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