Chilean policeman who knocked down a girl from the bridge ends up in jail


From the Globe:

Young protester pushed into the Mapocho river in Santiago de Chile by the police

A Chilean policeman was arrested on Saturday and denounced on Saturday by the Prosecutor’s Office for alleged “attempted murder” after causing the fall of a minor from a bridge during a protest in Santiago, in a new controversy over the use of excessive force that involves local police. . The 16-year-old fell from the Pio Nono bridge, at least five meters above the almost dry bed of the Mapocho River.

The incident occurred on Friday during a protest near the central Plaza Italia in Santiago on Friday, when a group of protesters were chased by police.

The police officer, who was suspended, will be brought to trial tomorrow. After learning of the arrest, more than a thousand people came to Plaza Italia to protest with flags, horns and shouts, almost two weeks after the first anniversary of the wave of demonstrations in Chile. This place, renamed by the protesters as “Plaza Dignidad”, was the epicenter of the great social protests that shook the country in 2019. and for a few weeks it was once again the scene of demonstrations every Friday. The demonstrations began in October last year and decreased with the arrival of the coronavirus in March of this year.

Many of the protesters arrived in the square after holding a protest in front of the Santa María Clinic, where the minor was transferred with several injuries, but without risk of life.

