Chief of Tóquio 2020 says that the Olympics will be ruled out if they are not foremized in 2021 | coronavirus


– In this case (of no serem held in 2021), the Olympics will be ruled out. We say goodbye to the Olympics for the year that we see, we have thermos defeated in battle (against or coronaviruses). As Olympics will be much more valuable than any other Olympics we passed, we will be able to continue as we are able to win this battle. We have to prove nisso. Contrary case, not hard work and effort will not be rewarded – disse Yoshiro Mori, president of the Organizing Committee of Tóquio, in an interview with the Japanese newspaper Nikkan Sports.

It is the first time that the organizers of Tóquio failed to cancel the Jogo. To avoid any speculation was to a posture endowed by Japanese hairs, which haviam admitted not seeing a chance of a new addition.

Or Japan has declared a state of emergency in all or country due to the coronavirus, and Tóquio is the epicenter of the pandemic due to it. O Japão já registered more than 13.6 thousand cases of covid-19 and 385 deaths. The Japanese numbers are not among the highest in the world, so an event such as the Olympics brings together people from all over the world, among athletes, day laborers and bullfighters.
