Check the names chosen for the management secretariats of Maguito


The announcement of the names of the Maguito secretariat was made by the deputy mayor, Rogério Cruz

Photo: Goiania City Council

The interim mayor of Goiânia, Rogério Cruz (Republicans), announced, this Saturday morning, the names chosen to compose the 2021-2024 administration secretariats of Mayor Maguito Vilela, of the BMD.

According to Cruz, Maguito’s team followed technical criteria to choose secretaries. Some of the announced names remain in the folders that are already in place. Others, new, begin today in the secretariats.

The name of the head of the Secretariat of Infrastructure and Services (Seinfra) will be announced next Monday 4.

Goiânia’s secretariats now include the following names:

Municipal Government Secretariat – Andrey Azeredo

Administration Secretariat – Marcela Araújo

Private Secretary to the Mayor – José Alves Firmino and Wilson Rocha Baleeiro Júnior

Finance Secretariat – Alessandro Melo

Communication Secretariat – Bruno Rocha

Health Department – Dr. Durval Ferreira

Comptroller General of the Municipality – Colemar José de Moura Filho

Municipal Attorney General – Antônio Flávio de Oliveira

Sports and Leisure Secretariat – Álvaro Alexandre

Ministry of Mobility – Pedro Pinheiro Chaves

Secretariat for Development and Creative Economy – Carlos Alberto Branco Antunes Júnior

Secretary of Culture – Kléber Adorno

Agetul – Valdery Júnior

Secretariat of Innovation, Science and Technology – Célio Campos

Human Rights Secretariat – Filemon Pereira

Procon – Gustavo Cruvinel

Comurg – Aristotle of Paula

Secretariat of Urbanism and Housing – Agenor Mariano

Secretariat for Women’s Policies – Tatiana Lemos

Secretary of Education – Marcelo da Costa

CMTC – Murilo Guimarães Ulhôa
