Change of benefits for Comcap workers is approved by the Florianópolis Chamber


The Florianópolis City Council approved on Tuesday (26) bill 1.838 / 2021, which changes the benefits of Comcap workers. With the approval, the amounts paid for vacations, food stamps and the productivity bonus were cut. The city defends that the “Equal rights” project will bring savings of more than R $ 20 million to the public coffers. City officials have been on strike since January 18, in an action that tried to block the validation of the text.

> Understand the project that changes the benefits of Comcap servers in Florianópolis

Entitled “Equal rights”, the bill is part of the administrative reform package sent to the Chamber. In addition to the proposal already approved, the councilors also vote measures related to the auction of public real estate, the IPTU of Bom Pagador and the inclusion of business entities and organized civil society in the Municipal Council of Education. A proposal that changes the master plan and the Florianopolis building code will also be discussed.

The hybrid session started at 9am. The councilors debated the report approved by the Special Commission, which was in favor of the project. After the debate, lawmakers debated the bill itself. The matter was approved by 13 votes to 9, in addition to an impediment.

The text of the report has undergone changes such as the decision to form a commission of the executive branch to analyze the compensation of employees. The document also provides for the maintenance of the labor rights of civil servants until the latter’s retirement. The changes came about through amendments proposed by Councilor João Cobalchini (DEM).

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The workers of the municipality were in front of the Chamber after the vote. During the session, the president of the Florianópolis Municipal Civil Service Workers’ Union (Sintrasem), Renê Marcos Munaro, also spoke. He opposed the project, which linked the privatization of the service.

– Privatization is a more expensive service, without quality and without working conditions for workers, – said Munaro.

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Comcap went on strike last week to protest the bill. Workers even closed three lanes on the Pedro Ivo Campos bridge as they headed to City Hall for a demonstration. Justice considered the strike illegal and ordered the return of the activity. Without compliance with the measure, Judge Júlio César Knoel ordered the blocking of R $ 600 thousand from Sintrasem’s accounts.

What changes

Currently, Comcap workers are paid overtime at an additional 100% of the normal hourly rate. On weekends and holidays, this percentage rises to 150%. Also, regardless of the number of hours worked, servers are paid at least six overtime hours.

With the change, the amount received per hour will be 50% higher than normal time and 100% on Sundays and holidays. Payment will be made on the hours actually worked.

Another point is the additional vacations. The current agreement promotes the payment of 1/3 of vacations plus another bonus that ranges between 10% and 40% of the employee’s remuneration, depending on the time they work at Comcap. The new rule keeps 1/3, but removes bonuses.

The changes also affect the bonus for service time, functional progression, paid special leave, transportation vouchers, meal allowance and birthday license.

Contract with private company is suspended

The Justice suspended the contract between the city of Florianópolis and the private company that would do the mechanical weeding service during the Comcap strike, which began on January 18. According to the decision of judge Zelaide de Souza Philippi, a collective agreement signed between the autarky and the municipal administration prohibits the hiring of third parties to carry out the activity. The decision was published on Tuesday (26), before the approval of the project.

In a note, the city of Florianópolis said that there is no court decision to interrupt the garbage collection service in the city. The mechanical weeding service in question was never started, the city explained. The administration also denied that there is another decision aimed at interrupting the current session of the House.
