Census Death from Starvation Represents a Government Believing Its Own Truth – 03/27/2021


The National Congress approved a cut of more than 90% in the IBGE Census budget that was planned for this year. I say “I was” because this value makes the survey impossible in practice, which is fundamental for the country.

The forecast was to spend R $ 2 billion this year, which would already be a shadow of the estimate of R $ 3.4 billion in 2019. At that time, the amount was dehydrated and the number of emissions was reduced.

The Census, which was already a year behind due to the pandemic, entered the tail of the UCI. Officials still fear for the covid, but that is not what the investigation buried, but the fact that we have a government that does not value real data and facts and that has built this budget dehydration.

And this Thursday (25), the president of IBGE, Susana Guerra, asked for the exoneration for “personal reasons.”

It does not take an expert to understand that a country must provide reliable information not only about its economy, but also about other aspects of daily life, so that people, organizations and companies make decisions based on reality.

Brazil has always produced solid figures, our institutes have an international reputation and the workers of these organizations are highly competent. But the last few times have been disastrous for those who work with data collection, since the government itself, unhappy with reality, has been struggling with it.

For our managers, the problem is often not the fever, but the thermometer that indicates it.

The Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, dismissed the Census questionnaire. “We’re going to try, for the love of God, to simplify,” he said on February 22, 2019, suggesting to reduce the questionnaire. “If you ask too much, you’ll end up discovering things you didn’t even want to know. Let’s be Spartans, let’s make things more compact and we’ll try to help anyway,” he said.

President Jair Bolsonaro has already said that IBGE’s unemployment calculation methodology was incorrect because he did not agree with it.

General Augusto Heleno, chief minister of the Office of Institutional Security, said deforestation rates were manipulated and inflated.

Osmar Terra, then Minister of Citizenship, has already complained of not trusting the investigations of Fiocruz, an institution of international renown that, today, has been fundamental in the production of vaccines against covid and the fight against the pandemic.

Chancellor Ernesto Araújo does not believe in climate change and said that the increase in global average temperature occurred because the temperature measurement stations that today were on the “mountain” would be on the “asphalt.”

In fact, after saying that he had the “conviction” that the deforestation data in the Amazon from the National Institute for Space Research are “liars” and after hearing a harsh response from Ricardo Galvão, then head of the National Institute for Space Research, Bolsonaro. revealed that the goal was makeup.

He said that he was concerned about data that could “harm the country”, be “negative propaganda” for Brazil abroad. And if Galvão had identified alarming data, he should have gone to his superiors to warn them for reasons of “responsibility” and “patriotism.”

The current federal government is a driver who drives the country down a bumpy road and, instead of using all the information possible for a smooth crossing, screams that the signs indicating “slippery lane” are fake news and accelerates.

After an expected accident, he regrets what happened, saying that he never mistrusted the signals or blames them for an alleged lack of clarity, and criticizes anyone who says they do not know how to drive.

I have done this analysis here, but I thought it was worth bringing it back. For all this it would be funny if we were not the passengers of this bus, which does not have a seat belt.

Politicians unaccustomed to democracy, when placed against the wall, tend to reduce the transparency of the information to which society has access to adapt reality to their narrative.

Not surprisingly, the media joined a consortium in June last year to investigate and disseminate data on COVID-19 cases and deaths on a daily basis. This arose from the moment that the Ministry of Health began to play a trick with its disclosure once the death toll began to bother.

At least it is a government that lives up to its origins. Faced with negative scenarios, torture the numbers until they scream what they want to hear.
