Celso de Mello says goodbye to the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court and receives tribute | Politics


The dean (older minister), who will retire next Tuesday (13), was honored by his colleagues, also made up of ministers Gilmar Mendes, Ricardo Lewandowski, Edson Fachin and Cármen Lúcia.

Celso de Mello decides to anticipate retirement as STF minister

Celso de Mello decides to anticipate retirement as STF minister

Excited, the president of the class, Minister Gilmar Mendes, said that Celso de Mello “dedicated a life to the defense of institutional integrity, in the permanent renewal of commitment and devotion to the pillars of our democracy.”

According to Mendes, the dean’s legacy is “the result of his tireless dedication of his exceptional legal expertise to protecting the rule of law.”

“Any attempt to record the meaning of the Dean’s career would certainly be unable to capture the symbolism of his figure for the members of the court,” he said.

For Mendes, “Celso’s presence on the Supreme Court does not end at this warm moment. It will be designed by anyone who believes in the relevance of constitutional jurisdiction for the construction of a just society ”.

Minister Ricardo Lewandowski wished the dean happiness and said that he “not only conquered wisdom, but knew how to use it in favor of the civilizing advance of the Brazilian nation.”

“We will always be with your excellence, following your steps from now on as we have always done.”

Minister Edson Fachin affirmed that the position “firm, uncompromising, as an independent and impartial magistrate, in favor of respect for the right to minorities”, citing the case of the criminalization of homophobia and in the “pioneering” interpretation of the openness to human rights treaties.

Minister Carmen Lúcia said that Celso de Mello is a “great sage to teach, on a permanent basis, not only lessons in law, life lessons” and that he is an example of the struggle for democracy and fundamental rights. “We have judges as his excellence to be permanent examples.”

Minister Celso de Mello said that as he approached the end of his court journey, he was moved by the words of his companions and, also moved, he said goodbye, amid applause.

“The STF, much more than a body in charge of defending the Constitution and fundamental freedoms, represents for me a true state of mind, and more than that, a state of mind that induces a longing that, forever, I will avoid days that I was in this high judicial court of our country ”, he said.

“Living with the eminent magistrates and the judges that comprise it has become a huge learning factor for me, especially when the STF faced serious challenges,” said the dean.

Before retiring, Celso de Mello must still participate, on Thursday, in the trial in the plenary session of the Supreme Court that will determine whether President Jair Bolsonaro will testify in person or in writing in the investigation into an alleged attempt to interfere with the Federal Police . The minister is the rapporteur for the investigation.

In August, Celso de Mello turned 31 in one of the STF chairs. He was nominated by former President José Sarney in 1989.

Judge Kassio Nunes Marques was appointed by President Jair Bolsonaro to fill the vacancy. It will still undergo a Senate hearing, scheduled for the 21st.

José Celso de Mello Filho was born on November 1, 1945 in Tatuí (SP). He graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo (Largo do São Francisco) and, the following year, he was approved first in the contest of the state prosecutor’s office.

He remained in his career for 20 years, until he was appointed to the STF. He also served as interim general consultant for the Republic between 1987 and 1989.
