Cebraspe is your bank; 16 listings in 2021


For those who are starting their studies for public competitions and still feel that they are a bit lost, the Directorate of Journalism Contests alerts and gives advice: ask questions from the Cebraspe board, as it can organize your test in 2021.

This is a lesson that is useful both for those who started the trip a short time ago, as well as for those more “concubines”, but who do not have planned their dreamed public announcement (or any other bank already defined).

In this matter, you will understand why Cebraspe is the best option when it comes to asking test questions and, thus, better assimilate the theoretical content studied. Before, please leave a message below.

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Why choose Cebraspe banking?

Unlike the others, Cebraspe is a traditional organizer in all areas of the public contest. It has already organized and organizes events of the most popular and desired bodies and entities in the country.

Just to give you an idea of ​​some public tenders already organized by the bank (and with a high probability of this happening again) the following selections are listed:

  • Federal Court of Accounts (TCU)
  • National Institute of Social Security (INSS)
  • Federal Police (PF)
  • Federal Highway Police (PRF)
  • Federal courts (TRF 1, STJ, STM, TRE BA and TRE TO, for example)
  • Federal Public Ministry
  • Civil Police of the Federal District (PCDF)
  • State courts (TJ RJ and TJ TO, for example)
  • Finance Departments (Sefaz DF and ISS Aju, for example)
  • Federal Economic Fund
  • Bank of Brazil
  • National Penitentiary Department (Depen)

Of all the areas of public procurement, the only one you didn’t see on the list above is for selections in legislative bodies, and even then, candidates for a vacancy next year in that body type should be on the lookout.

This is because, before the dismissal of the commission responsible for the 2020 Senate contest, Cebraspe had received the go-ahead to organize the selection. In other words, the bank lacks nothing to “grab” to expand its scope.

Another interesting piece of information to choose from is the fact that it is a very technical institution. Many teachers often say that whoever learns to ask questions on this board has barely learned the content.

The questions posed by their developers tend to seek a broad theoretical framework from the candidates and make the contestant have to think in a contextualized way to answer them. So, decorating is not enough, you have to learn!

What notices will (or could) organize the bank in 2021?

Below is a list of public bidding possibilities that will be (or can be) organized by the Cebraspe bank. You will notice that the company circulates in all areas.

Cebraspe Public Contests part I

  • a) TJ RJ Contest
    • The Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice has issued a public notice, but it has been suspended and registration will resume with the return of activities. The positions offered are technician and analyst.
  • second) TJ TO Contest
    • Planned from the end of 2019, the bank is already hired and the next step is the publication of the notice, which may arrive in the first half of 2021.
  • C) PF Contest
    • Historically, the Federal Police contest is organized by Cebraspe and the safest bet is that the bank will do it again. The announcement is scheduled for January 2021.

Be part of the study group of the Federal Police contest on WhatsApp: Click here to join!

  • re) PRF contest
    • Like the PF, the Federal Highway Police is also waiting for an announcement as soon as possible and the safest bet is that this bank will maintain the organization of the tests, as it was in 2018.

Be part of the study group of the Federal Highway Police contest on WhatsApp: Click here to join!

  • me) TCU Contest
    • Unofficial news indicates that the former Cespe is already confirmed in the next tests, which offered 20 immediate vacancies.

Be part of the TCU WhatsApp contest study group: Click here to join!

  • F) Brazilian Federal Revenue Competition
    • Traditionally, the “deceased” ESAF banker organized the tests for this selection. However, with his departure, the favoritism to perform the tests remains with Cebraspe.

Be part of the study group for the IRS contest on Whatsapp: Click here to join!

Cebraspe Public Contests part II

  • gram) DPO RO Contest
    • The Board of Trustees has already been defined as the organizer of the selection, which must have a public notice published in 2021.
  • h) DPE MT Contest:
    • The latest update is that the contest was in the process of choosing a bank, with three finalists, including Cebraspe).
  • me) MP AP Contest:
    • The agency has already defined the organizer of the call for proposals, which provides for the coverage of 19 immediate vacancies, in addition to registering reservations, in middle and higher positions.
  • j) Flat competition:
    • Surprised in 2020, the bank defined the company as the organizer of the new call for offers for middle and higher levels.
  • k) Competition PPGG DF:
    • Cebraspe will be the organizing table for the next PPGG DF contest. The call for bids for Public Policies and Government Management, which will offer 250 opportunities, is confirmed.
  • l) Competition ISS Fortaleza:
    • The bank was chosen as a Treasury Analyst, but an internal source said an order had been made for the Auditor. It is another public contest in Ceará.
  • meter) Competition PM A:
    • A thousand vacancies are announced for the position of Soldier, with salaries above R $ 4 thousand and an average level. The bank has already been defined as the organizer.
  • north) Coren SE Contest:
    • This entity confirmed the contract with the bank and awaits notice as soon as possible. The benefit will be in the positions of administrative technician and fiscal nurse.
  • OR) TCE SC Contest:
    • With a public notice expected to offer 40 immediate vacancies for the position of external control auditor, the TCE SC competition also has a bank by 2021.
  • P) Codevasf contest
    • With published notice and enrollment scheduled until December 22, Codevasf will also have the Cebraspe bank in the organization.

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To take advantage, click the image below, choose your desired contest package, and register before the promotion ends.

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