Ceará should have 1.7 million doses for risk groups and start vaccinating in February | Coronavirus in Fortaleza, Ceará and the world


The governor of Ceará, Camilo Santana (PT), participated this Wednesday morning, 16, in the launch ceremony of the national vaccination plan against Covid-19.  (Photo: Isac Nobrega / Federal Government)

The governor of Ceará, Camilo Santana (PT), participated this Wednesday morning, 16, in the launch ceremony of the national vaccination plan against Covid-19. (Photo: Isac Nobrega / Federal Government)

OR Ceara should receive 1.7 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine still in the first half of 2021. The information is from the state governor, Camilo Santana (PT), after the presentation of the vaccination plan by the Federal Government on the morning of this Wednesday 16, in Brasilia.

According to Camilo, the expectation is that vaccination will begin in February and the first people to be vaccinated in Ceará will be health professionals “because they are on the front line against Covid-19.” “The expectation is that we can begin this vaccination in February, mainly with health professionals, the elderly and comorbidities. There is a forecast that in the first semester Ceará will receive 1.7 million doses, ”said the governor.

Then, the plan should include the vaccination of people from priority groups, such as the indigenous population, teachers, security and rescue workers, prison officials and the population deprived of liberty. Each group will be vaccinated in stages. The objective of the Government of Ceará is to vaccinate 95% of priority groups, totaling 1,794,076 people.

As Camilo explains, Ceará is already organizing itself so as not to face logistical problems in the production and application of the vaccine. “Although the Ministry informed us that it is buying 300 million syringes and needles, we are also buying syringes, needles and refrigerators to store the vaccines, because, from the moment the State receives them, it is our responsibility to do all the logistics of distribution to the population of Ceará ”, informed the governor.

On the occasion of the launch of the national plan, the current Minister of Health of Brazil, Eduardo Pazuello handed over to the president Jair bolsonaro (without party) the National Plan for the Operationalization of the Covid-19 Vaccine. In his speech, the minister said that it was necessary to “be proud” of the country’s capacity to deal with public health and argued that “the Brazilian people have the capacity to have the largest immunization program in the world.”

READ ALSO | Ceará passes 320,300 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and has 9,857 deaths from the disease

At the event, President Bolsonaro said he was honored by the presence of the governors, but provoked: “If any of us extrapolated or even exaggerated, it was in an effort to find a solution.” He also paid tribute to the president of Anvisa, Antônio Barra Torres, and concluded: “God willing, we will soon return to normality.”

See more highlights from the federal plan submission:
