Ceará passes two 16 thousand confirmed cases of Covid-19; chegam deaths at 1,094 | Coronavirus – Latest News on or Coronavirus


Movements in front of the Leonardo da Vinci hospital, in Fortaleza, where only patients with coronavirus are seen

Movement in front of the Leonardo da Vinci hospital, in Fortaleza, where only patients with coronavirus are seen (Photo: Júlio Caesar / O POVO)

O Ceará chegou at 1,094 deaths and 16,064 confirmed cases of coronavirus. A lethality tax of 6.8%. The updated numbers on the IntegraSUS platform are from the State Health Secretariat (Sesa), at 9:31 a.m., Sunday, May 10 (05/10). To Sesa também passou to inform or number of recovered weight not Ceará: 7,899.

Currently, 28,882 cases are under investigation and the number of exams performed at 42,115. Nesse Saturday, 9, Passou fortress of 800 deaths and the State of Batu or number of 1,062 deaths.

Nessa sixth, 8, or Ceará atingiu 997 deaths and 15,134 confirmed cases of Covid-19. On occasion, there were 94 deaths and 1,246 new cases registered in 24 hours. Or number of deaths after the death of daily cases registered in the last days. Compared with fourth, 6, and fifth, 7, (54 deaths every day), there was a 74% increase in deaths. From fifth to sixth, or total number of deaths – from 903 to 997 – cresceu 10.4%.

Na quinta-feira, 7, or Ceará atingiu 903 mortes by Covid-19. I attached to data, there were 13,888 confirmed cases of the novo coronavirus.

The new cases and deaths have been registered according to the confirmation date, by means of two exam results.

To Sesa I explain that the numbers jump in our last days It is taking place at the time of moving in two systems of feeding of dice of the Ministry of Health. For that reason, the secretary was unable to obtain data from exams previously analyzed by the Laboratório Central de Saúde Pública (Lacen) for insertion not IntegraSUS. Então, records of several foram days inserted not one time system.

Or given does not mean that death has occurred without data, rather than the result of the examination as confirmation of the patient as Covid-19.

He informed Secretaria da Saúde that he has carried out non-system changes since April 23 and, for that reason, there may be changes in our confirmed cases, in the next few days. Isso can explain a shot or run, as a greater increase in confirmed cases on a day ago.

There is a difference between the taxa of mortality and the lethality of a doença. A taxa of mortality refers to a quantity of people who will die for a relationship in total population of a place – that is, city, state, country, or other world or world.

Já a taxa de letalidade refers to a quantity of people who died for a dozen in relation to a quantity of those infected by it.

28,882 cases under investigation

42,115 exams performed

16,064 confirmed cases

1,094 deaths

6.8% letalidade taxa

168 municipalities with confirmed cases

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in May 09 (05/09)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará em 08 de maio (08/05)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará em 07 de maio (07/05)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará em 06 de maio (06/05)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in May 05 (05/05)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará em 04 de maio (04/05)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará em 03 de maio (03/05)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará em 02 de maio (02/05)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará em 01 de maio (01/05)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 30 (04/30)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 29 (04/29)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 28 (04/28)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 27 (04/27)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 26 (04/26)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 25 (04/25)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 24 (04/24)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 23 (04/23)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 22 (04/22)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 21 (04/21)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 20 (04/20)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 19 (04/19)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 18 (04/18)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 17 (04/17)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 16 (04/16)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 15 (04/15)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 14 (04/14)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 13 (04/13)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará on April 12 (04/12)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 11 (04/11)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 8 (04/08)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 7 (04/13)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará on April 6 (06/04)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 5 (04/05)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 4 (04/04)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in April 3 (04/03)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará em April 2 (04/02)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará on April 1 (04/01)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in March 31 (03/31)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in March 30 (03/30)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 29 (03/29)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 28 (03/28)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 27 (03/27)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 26 (03/26)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in March 25 (03/25)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 24 (03/24)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 23 (03/23)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 22 (03/22)

Cases of coronavírus no Ceará in March 21 (03/21)

Cases of coronavirus not Ceará in March 20 (03/20)

O nome “crown” becomes de coroa de espinhos that or wraps. These spines are enveloped by a litter of fat – removed from their own human cells. It enters this layer of fat to invade other cells. This thin layer of fat, or coronavirus, dies.

Os coronavírus são transmitted by ar and mucous membranes. Or viruses survive quite a while in red droplets. To avoid contamination by less than droplets, it is recommended to apply hair less than a meter and less than the weight to be eaten or exhaled.

Or viruses are also in aerosol droplets. They are only tiny and fine, which cause suspensions not to contaminate, and mainly contaminate, which are in dated environments with conditions.

Wash like this frequently

Wash regularly with alcohol and gel regularly. Or alkaline or sabão matam vírus that we could be more.

Maintain social distance

Keep at least a dozen meters away between you and the people that you are tossing or breathing. The Covid-19 virus is transmitted by droplets that are running in the nose and saliva. A distance between people with flu symptoms prevents cheg droplets.

Avoid ficar touching the olhos, nose and mouth

This is how I touched all types of surface and could paste viruses. Once contaminated, as well as we can transfer or viruses for the noses, nose and mouth. From it, or viruses can enter a non-organism and suffer from you.

Cover mouth or nose with or tossir or exhale

When you are surrounded by heavy people, cover the dobra of the canopy with the mouth or breathe out or tossir. It is also possible to use lenços, which should be promptly discarded after use – both with a part used inside, in order to prevent viruses from falling back.

Você tiver febre, cough and difficulty in breathing, flirt for or posto de saúde

You are feeling bad, fique em casa. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, flirt for or sooner than later. As of the association, the health agents will indicate what you will do: you will have to go home, you will go to a professional office, or you will be able to go to a Unit of Soon Service (UPA).

The sinais do novo coronavírus se assemelham ao de uma influenza comum:

– febre

– dry tosse

– Cansaço

– Difficulty breathing in some cases

– You can have no body

– Nasal congestion

– coryza

– throat dor

– There are cases of diarrhea

– It can have lower respiratory tract infection, such as nas pneumonia.

It is heavy that you do not develop any symptoms.

Average incubation period: five days, with intervals from 12 days – period in which the first symptoms appear to appear from infection.

How to prevent or coronavirus

What are the symptoms of Covid-19, or novo coronavírus

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