Cartão Caixa 2020 é sem anuidade e avaible for negatados


TO Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) É uma das instituições financeiras mais made hairs of Brazilians. This is because the company responsible for reviewing various benefits for workers and people in Baixa Renda, such as o Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS) and o Family Bag.

Looking to cater or public of negative, to the state opened in its service line or credit card sem anuidade Caixa Simples. Free consultation to the protection bodies or credit SPC and Serasa, or The product also has a reduced jury tax and conversation on the part of the border in dinheiro na conta.

See more information about the Caixa credit card.

Cartão Caixa Simples: Vantagens

  • Taxa de juros mais baixa: I tied 3 times more than that of a traditional carton, with a 2.70% am charge for rotary use.
  • Isenção de anuidade: sem or payment of the annual fee, or customer must pay only R $ 15.00 for the issuance of the cartão. Or value can still be diluted in fat and parceled in three times.
  • Conversão de até 95% do limit em dinheiro: or client can transform what is 100% limit in dinheiro na conta. Contudo, a função incorrect collection of IOF + revolving fees, accounted for from the hiring.
  • Bandeira Elo Internacional: It makes it possible to make purchases both not in Brazil and not abroad, whether in physical stores or in virtues.
  • Free consultation to or SPC ou Serasa: With less bureaucracy, the restrictions are subject to those with past due debts with Caixa.
  • Clube Elo Mania: It offers discounts to services and products in small companies.
  • Lar Check-up Program: It allows the request of a specialized professional in domestic services, such as electrical revision, installation of prateleiras, curtains, blinds, among others. Or customer can activate the functionality at 3 times is no period of a year.

How to contract or Caixa Simples

Available for contracting to Caixa agencies from all over Brazil, or a product exclusively for residents and pensioners of INSS who are equal to or less than 75 years old. The required documents include RG or CNH, CPF, proof of right and extract of benefit.

As it is a consigned credit, part of the value of the debt is automatically depleted from the folha do benefício, called “margem consignável”. Fixada em 5%, or percentual no sofre variação will not last two months.

Differing between the balance of what was spent and what was found to be the total responsibility of the donor. In cases of arrears in the removal of the remainder of the debt, I have collected tax rates from the rotary + IOF.

Thanks to the fact that there is a reduction in the number of servants in the agencies, and the need for social isolation, Caixa is destined to attend you in person for those in a situation of greater urgency.

More information

To find out more about esse e outros produtos Caixa, consult some two service canais offered by the institution. Between them or the Cartões Caixa app and Mobile Banking, Internet Banking (brokers) and the Central de Atendimento hair numbers 4004 9009 (metropolitan regions) and 0800 9009 (other locations).

Há ainda as opção de contato or SAC Caixa through 0800 726 0101, Ouvidoria Caixa pelo 0800 725 747 and a central for people with hearing loss or outage, hair phone 0800 882 2492.

Leia ainda: Nome sujo em 2020? Banco do Brasil offers novo cartão for the negative
