Carmen Lúcia denies Mrs. Flordelis’s petition for habeas corpus


Carmen Lúcia denies Mrs. Flordelis's petition for habeas corpus

(Archive) Deputy Flordelis dos Santos – Chamber of Deputies of Brazil / AFP / Archives

The Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Cármen Lúcia, denied a petition for habeas corpus made by the defense of federal deputy Flordelis, accused of being responsible for the death of her husband, Pastor Anderson do Carmo. He was shot and killed in his home on June 16 of last year.

Flordelis is being monitored by the Rio de Janeiro justice using an electronic anklet.

In the decision, the minister argues that the STF is not the competent body “to hear and judge habeas corpus, when a patient authority with jurisdiction, in cases in which that procedural condition does not qualify it to be tried directly in this court. . ”.

In the decision, Cármen Lúcia affirms that the measures imposed are justified, given the seriousness of the accusations.

“The court’s decision is based on supervening facts that demonstrate the insufficiency of the precautionary measures previously imposed on the patient, being duly justified, by reasonable and adequate elements to the exceptional gravity of the crimes under investigation (triple qualified consummated homicide, attempted doubly qualified homicide, use of ideologically false document, criminal association) and in the face of complaints of attempted intimidation by one of the prosecution witnesses by the accused Flordelis dos Santos de Souza ”.

Cármen Lúcia also ponders that “the measures provided for in the decision in question – electronic monitoring and nightly home collection – do not hinder or prevent the exercise of the parliamentary mandate,” as alleged in the defense request.

The defense of the deputy informed that it respects the judicial decisions and will concentrate efforts on the petition for habeas corpus presented before the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ).

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