Carla Díaz unloads on the elimination of Lumena


Lumena left “BBB 2021” (TV Globo) and inside the house several brothers commented on her departure. On the fourth string, Carla Díaz spoke about how she feels about the elimination of the DJ.

“A horrible feeling. Because I put it on the wall,” Carla explained, and went on to say that their relationship ended with a lot of unsolved things.

I feel a bit flawed in that relationship. As much as I tried, it’s very bad to see her come out like this and not have had the opportunity to make things clear.

Juliette showed that she understands the sister’s feeling, as she has a similar feeling. “I still had other opportunities, I talked a lot with her,” explained the lawyer.

Carla said she tried, but was unsuccessful. “Unfortunately I didn’t make it, I tried a lot. But now she feels really bad when I put the bracelet on her. As much as she knew it was a wall, the fact that I gave it to her would hurt her in that sense,” commented the actress.

To comfort her friend, Juliette asked Carla not to blame herself for making an in-game decision.

At that moment I would have given it. Don’t blame yourself for that.

Who is the most hated participant in the ‘BBB 21’ house?


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