Candidate for mayor of Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, Paulo Sérgio Cyrillo dies after a sudden illness on live broadcast


RIO – Paulo Sérgio Cyrillo, candidate for mayor of the municipality of Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, in the north of the state of Rio de Janeiro, died after suffering a sudden illness during a live broadcast on Wednesday 11. According to his press office, an interview with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). The live was available on YouTube.

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The president of Subsection XVII of the city’s OAB, Gilberto Cardoso de Matos, told EXTRA that a round of questions was planned for the mayoral candidates in alliance with the São Carlos Metropolitan College (FAMESC).

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– We were conducting the interview normally, with two mediators, a representative of the OAB and a representative of the faculty, and at one point, the candidate, finishing an answer, suffered a sudden illness – Matos reported.

Paulo Sergio Cyrillo, mayoral candidate, died during an interview Photo: Playback
Paulo Sergio Cyrillo, mayoral candidate, died during an interview Photo: Playback

Paulo Sérgio Cyrillo, 73, was running for mayor of Bom Jesus do Itabapoana for the Republican party.

Through a note posted on its Facebook page, FAMESC regretted what happened.

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“It is with regret that we have come to bring the sad news of the death of our beloved Paulo Sérgio Cyrillo. We have no words to express our feelings. We ask God to comfort the hearts of family and friends in this moment of pain. a lot of respect, we pay our deepest condolences and offer our deepest condolences ”, says a note signed by the board of directors, the coordinators and the teachers.
