Can the INSS continue to pay the fourteenth salary to retirees this year? See here!


Retirees and pensioners of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) will have a vacation with less money in their pocket. This is because, between April and June, salary number 13 was advanced in two installments. The measure was created as a way to reduce the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

However, the launch of a 14th salary it was expected by the insured. In recent months, some proposals related to the issue were opened, both for consideration in the Federal Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies.

14th salary proposal

An example is the Bill (PL) No. 3657/20, which suggests the payment of an additional salary allowance to citizens covered by the General Social Security System (RGPS), under the protection of some of the following benefits: benefit sickness, accident assistance, retirement, death pension and prison assistance.

With the last movement in July, and the arrival of December, it is estimated that the proposal will not be announced in time. Starting with the approval process, which must be supported by other government departments until it is actually sanctioned.

This makes the fourteenth salary currently just a legislative proposal. Therefore, the suggestion is that policyholders do not have this additional amount for year-end expenses.

Also read: Project foresees readjustment in the amount of Bolsa Família and thirteenth fixed salary for BPC; check out
