In a new projection of minimum wage by 2021, included in the Macroeconomic Outlook published on Tuesday 17th, the expected adjustment will be R $ 42. In this case, the national floor will go from R $ 1,045 to R $ 1,087 as of January of next year.
The projection is less than the 2.10% sent in August of this year by the government through the Annual Budget Bill (PLOA). At that time, the national floor price received a projection of R $ 1,067, also based on inflationary calculations.
Minimum wage and INSS benefits
In addition to directly influencing the worker’s pocket, the new minimum wage also interferes, for example, in the value of the benefits of the National Social Security Institute (INSS), such as retirements me pensions. With this, it is estimated that about 35 million beneficiaries can be considered with the change.
Unemployment insurance, PIS / September and the Continuous Fee Benefit (BPC) will also be readjusted. However, it is worth mentioning that the value of the national floor can still be changed until the end of the year.
Minimum wage readjustment
The national minimum value varies according to the country’s inflation during the previous year. According to the latest Federal Government forecast, the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) applied was 4.1%.
Thus, the minimum wage will be adjusted from R $ 1,045 to R $ 1,087. However, this increase would not translate into real earnings. This is because the floor was corrected only based on inflation data for 2020, in order to preserve purchasing power.
Between 2007 and 2019, the minimum wage was corrected based on Law 13,152, which provided for the readjustment of the value based on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of two previous years and the variation in inflation. Thus, the wage increase occurred whenever there was economic growth.
However, this law lost its validity and in 2020 Provisional Measure 919/2020 was signed, which determined the salary for the same year. This MP was converted by deputies and senators in Law 14,013. Since then, the increase in the minimum wage has no real gains.
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