Can old debts be deducted from R $ 600 emergency aid? understand


Can old debts be deducted from R $ 600 emergency aid? understand Banks will not discount old debts from emergency assistance fees for informal workers who choose to transfer Caixa funds to an account at another institution. Download the free application Portal Mix Vale

The aid, which will be paid in three installments of R $ 600, or R $ 1,200 for mothers responsible for home maintenance, will be paid even in cases where the account has a negative balance due to the use of the overdraft limit. or credit card, for example.

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The transfer of aid to the beneficiary’s account without discounting debts is guaranteed by an agreement between the government and Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks), the Minister of Citizenship, Onyx Lorenzoni (7) said on Tuesday.1 12

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“There will be no debt of this money from anyone using emergency aid,” said the minister. “This resource, when transferred from the official bank to any bank in the Brazilian private system, if there are previous debts, this amount will be protected, it does not pay old bills,” he explained.

Febraban confirmed the agreement to preserve the total amount of aid and explained that the financial institutions will place these amounts in a separate account from the main account of the beneficiary, but linked to it.

With this measure, the federation states that the funds can be used with the same card and password as the main account, without the risk of undue debits being made on the amount of emergency aid.

The transfer of aid fees to private bank accounts will not be charged either.

Those who do not want to receive the benefit in their account can choose to open a digital social account at Caixa Econômica, which will not be charged fees either.

Initially, the government even announced that the beneficiary should be aware of the possibility of discounts when receiving the benefit in their bank account. With the agreement, however, this risk does not exist and the statement will no longer be published.

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See the note from the Brazilian Federation of Banks on the agreement with the government:

The funds related to the emergency aid of R $ 600, to be paid to informal, self-employed and unemployed workers, will be transferred by Caixa to an account indicated by the beneficiary.

Febraban and its partner banks have signed an agreement with the government not to charge DOC or TED fees on this transfer.

In addition, financial institutions will place these amounts in a separate account from, but linked to, the primary account of the beneficiary. Therefore, funds can be moved using the same card and password as the primary account, without the risk of undue debits being made on the amount of emergency aid.

The funds related to the emergency aid of R $ 600, to be paid to informal, self-employed and unemployed workers, will be transferred by Caixa to an account indicated by the beneficiary.

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