Can China repeat what it did to Australia and retaliate against Brazil?


  • Luis Barrucho – @luisbarrucho
  • BBC News Brazil in London


Speech by federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro generated harsh response from the Chinese government

The latest friction between Brazil and China, caused by a speech by federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, generated a harsh reaction from the Asian giant.

In November, the deputy published (and later deleted) a message saying that the Brazilian government supported a “global alliance for a safe 5G, without spying on China.” In a statement, the Chinese embassy in Brasilia spoke about the Brazilian government “enduring negative consequences and assuming the historical responsibility of disturbing the normality of the China-Brazil partnership.”

The tone of the Chinese response was perceived by many as a threat.

But could China “turn its back” on Brazil, adopting, for example, trade retaliation? Or does China depend on our basic products, the so-called raw materials that are traded on the international market, such as oil, soybeans and iron ore?
