The answer is yes! Those who are domestic workers (homeowners) but do not have their own income can retire from the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). However, for this, both men and women must contribute to the call Low income optional.
The modality ensures that the category can benefit from retirement in the future in terms of age; for retirement due to disability; assistance in prison; sickness benefit; or maternity pay. The amount of the payment is 5% of the current minimum wage, currently R $ 1,045.
Conditions to participate
To apply, interested parties must meet the following conditions:
- Be enrolled in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) for social programs of the federal government, with the updated situation in the last two years;
- Have a family income of up to two minimum wages, not counting the amounts received by Bolsa Família;
- Do not perform paid work and dedicate yourself only to domestic work, in your own residence;
- Not having income of any kind, be it rent, alimony, death pension, among other values.
If the person decides to migrate to the Contribution Time or Contribution Time Certificate (CTC) Retirement options, the person must pay the difference, adjusted between 5% and 20% of the total rate.
And who does not comply with the rules of optional contribution, what to do? Those who do not meet the requirements to contribute through the Optional Low Income modality, and want to contribute with a minimum wage, can choose the Flat Simplified Social Security.
Contribution time
This depends on the date you joined the program. After the introduction of the new Social Security regulations that varies according to the registration in the INSS before November 13, 2019 and after this date. Look down:
- Registered with INSS before November 13, 2019: 15 years of contributions and a minimum age of 60 years and six months will be required. As a general rule, in the case of women, this minimum age will increase by six months every twelve, up to a maximum of 62 years in 2023. For men, the same rule applies only to 65 years. .
- Registered in INSS after November 13, 2019: For those registered with the INSS after November 13, 2019, the minimum contribution period will be 20 years, following the same rules as the progressive minimum age, with an increase until 2023.
Find out how to participate in the optional low income
To enroll in the modality it is necessary to be enrolled in the CadÚnico program of the federal government. Follow the step by step to register through the My INSS portal.
- Access the portal My INSS;
- Log in to the system or register, in case of first access;
- Then, go to the option “Hours / Requirements”;
- Click on the option “New application”, “Update”, update the data that you consider important, such as income, for example, and go to “Next”;
- Write the word “income” in the search field and select the desired service and you’re done.
Face-to-face service is requested for data verification. To learn more about the optional contribution modality and to be able to accompany the application, call 135, access the My INSS application or enter the agency’s website.
Also read: The INSS policy holder who does not schedule proof of life may have their benefits suspended in December