Camaquã is on the orange flag and RS returns to the yellow flags in the 23rd round of Controlled Distance


For the first time since the end of June, Rio Grande do Sul has regions classified as yellow flag again. The last time RS presented regions of low epidemiological risk was in the eighth round, between June 30 and July 6. In week 23 of the Controlled Distance model, launched this Friday (09/10), the State only displays a yellow and orange flag (medium epidemiological risk).

The regions of Bagé, Palmeira das Missões and Pelotas are the three that showed improvement and passed the yellow flag. The other 18 regions are still classified as orange flags.

Classified as a red flag (high epidemiological risk) in round 22, the Covid region of Santa María showed improvement in indicators and returns to the orange flag this week.

The improvement of the indicators has been verified in the last three rounds. In 21, the 21 regions were classified as orange, and in 22, only the Covid region of Santa María was marked with a red flag. Round 23, in turn, brings three regions in yellow and 18 in orange. Of the 497 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, 284 did not present a record of hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 in the last 14 days.

See preliminary map of the 23rd round:

Across the state, there was stability or improvement in most indicators, such as records of new hospitalizations (-29%) and deaths (-7%). There was stability in the number of patients admitted for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or for Covid-19 in the ICU and a slight increase in those admitted with Covid-19 in a clinical bed.

Even counting patients hospitalized for other causes, the figures point to a slight drop in the number of occupied ICUs. Maintaining the total number of ICU beds resulted in a slight increase in the proportion of free beds for each occupied by Covid-19.

0-0 rule

As there are no regions classified as red flag, only yellow or orange flag, it will not be necessary, in this round, to apply Rule 0-0, which allows municipalities belonging to regions classified as high risk and that do not have a death or death record. hospitalization. of residents in the past 14 days can adopt orange flag rules.

For information, of the 417 municipalities (9,912,608 inhabitants, 87.5% of the total) with the orange flag, 80 of them (10.3%, 1,165,152 inhabitants) did not present hospitalizations or deaths in the last 14 days.

Of the 80 municipalities (1,416,997 inhabitants, 12.5%) in the yellow flag, 54 (358,009 inhabitants, 3.2%) did not present hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 in the last 14 days.

Co-managed regions

Of the 21 orange flag regions, only Uruguaiana, Bagé and Guaíba have not yet joined the Controlled Distance co-management system. The other 18 already adopt alternative protocols to the flags defined by the government: Santa Maria, Capão da Canoa, Taquara, Novo Hamburgo, Canoas, Porto Alegre, Santo Ângelo, Cruz Alta, Ijuí, Santa Rosa, Palmeira das Missões, Erechim, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Caxias do Sul, Cachoeira do Sul, Santa Cruz do Sul and Lajeado.

The co-managed regions classified under the orange flag can adopt yellow flag rules, just send their own adapted protocols to the Secretariat for Articulation and Support to Municipalities (Saam).

Parallel to the requests for co-management, the State will accept requests for reconsideration of the risk classification, which may be done through the regional association or by the municipality itself, exclusively through an electronic form (through the link https: / /, in a maximum period of 36 hours after the publication of the preliminary map – until 6 am on Sunday (11/10).

The adoption of alternative protocols does not change the colors of the final map, which will be released after the analysis of the resources by the Crisis Office, on Monday afternoon (10/10), through news published on the site state government website. The duration of the flags of the 23rd round begins at 12:00 on Tuesday (10/13) and ends at 11:59 on Monday (10/19).

• Click here and access the technical note with the justifications for the classifications of the regions.


Regions that showed improvement (4):
• Santa Maria (in co-management): the Santa María region managed to reduce the occupancy level of ICU beds from one week to the next. Of the 37 confirmed Covid-19 patients who required intensive treatment in the previous week, the number dropped to 30 beds on Thursday (10/8). The same happened with SARS patients, who fell from 40 to 35 in the ICU during the same period. The record of new hospitalizations for coronavirus in the last seven days totaled 32 cases, when in the previous week the total reached 51. The region increased the number of free ICU beds from 26 to 33.

• Bagé: the improvement in two indicators brought the Bagé region back to the yellow flag classification. There was a reduction from nine to six SARS patients admitted to the ICU from one week to the next, as well as a five to three decrease in the number of Covid-19 hospitalized in clinical beds.

• Palmeira das Missões (in co-management): already with very positive indicators last week, the improvement in one of the items of the specific model for the region was enough for Palmeira das Missões to join the yellow flag. The region registered nine hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the last week, when in the previous period it reached 13 cases. There was also a reduction from 14 to 12 in ICU beds occupied by confirmed coronavirus patients.

• Pellets (in co-management): the Pelotas region registered a decrease in the number of hospitalizations due to coronavirus in the last seven days – from 39 cases to 21. The number of ICU beds occupied by Covid-19 patients also decreased, from 24 to 18. In addition, the better situation in two indicators of the South macro-region contributed to the region receiving the yellow flag classification: there was a decrease from 46 to 42 ICU beds occupied by SARS in the macro-region and a decrease of 37 to 30 in cases of hospitalized critical patients. by Covid-19.

Regions that remain the same (17)
– Cachoeira do Sul (in co-management)
– Canoes (in co-management)
– Capão da Canoa (in co-management)
– Caxias do Sul (in co-management)
– Cruz Alta (in co-management)
– Erechim (in co-management)
– Guaíba
– Ijuí (in co-management)
– Lajeado (in co-management)
– Novo Hamburgo (in management)
– Passo Fundo (in joint management)
– Porto Alegre (in joint management)
– Santa Cruz do Sul (in co-management)
– Santa Rosa (in joint management)
– Santo Ângelo (in co-management)
– Taquara (in co-management)
– Uruguaiana

Region that got worse (0):
– (None)

• the number of new weekly hospital registrations confirmed with Covid-19 has decreased by 29% during the last two weeks (from 840 to 598);
• number of patients admitted to the ICU for SARS increased by 1% in the state between the last two Thursdays (from 751 to 760);
• the number of hospitalized patients in clinical beds with Covid-19 in RS increased by 2% between the last two Thursdays (from 659 to 674);
• the number of hospitalized in ICU beds with Covid-19 in SR decreased by 3% between the last two Thursdays (from 597 to 580);
• the number of free ICU beds for adults to treat Covid-19 in RS increased by 4% between the last two Thursdays (from 659 to 687);
• the number of active cases increased by 11% during the last two weeks (from 9,240 to 10,302);
• The number of deaths from Covid-19 decreased by 7% between the last two Thursdays (from 272 to 254).

The regions with the highest number of new hospital records in the last seven days, by place of residence of the patient, are Porto Alegre (190), Caxias do Sul (73), Canoas (38), Passo Fundo (38), Novo Hamburgo ( 35) and Santa María (32).

Comparison: situation between September 10 and October 8

• the number of new weekly hospital records confirmed with Covid-19 decreased by 40% in the period (from 997 to 598);
• the number of ICU patients admitted for SARS decreased 17% in the state in the period (from 917 to 760);
• the number of patients hospitalized in clinical beds with Covid-19 decreased by 16% in the period (from 803 to 674);
• the number of hospitalized in ICU beds with Covid-19 decreased by 3% in the period (from 713 to 580);
• the number of active cases increased by 2% in the period (from 10,066 to 10,302);
• the number of free adult ICU beds to treat Covid-19 increased by 18% in the period (from 583 to 687);
• The number of deaths from Covid-19 accumulated in 7 days decreased by 25% in the period (from 340 to 254).

Click here and access the complete survey of the 23rd round of Controlled Distance.
