Caixa Tem: Application confirms release of R $ 100, R $ 200 and R $ 300


A Federal Economic Fund will expand your application “Caixa Tem” to launch new functions in the program. The application should now have options to microcredit, insurance me cards.

Today, the application is used for emergency aid payments, Service Guarantee Fund (FGTS) and the emergency employment and income maintenance (BEM) benefit.

According to information from Caixa, approximately 90 million digital social savings They were opened for free in 2020. The app was launched to registered citizens to receive social benefits from the government during the new coronavirus pandemic.

After a pandemic, Caixa should keep these accounts open for free, according to the bank’s president, Pedro Guimarães.

“All the products will remain. All free products will remain free. And we will do more, ”he said.

According to the president, the application “Caixa Tem is the digital bank with the lowest income, which accounts for 80% of Caixa’s customer base.” For this reason, Caixa must continue to offer digital payment of social benefits, including Bolsa Família, which is currently paid only in person.

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Other services of the Caixa Tem application

Among the new services that Caixa Tem offers are:

  • microcredit offer.
  • insurance.
  • cards.

The president of Caixa revealed that the entry of microcredit on the Caixa Tem platform is being finalized. According to Guimarães, the tool will launch loan of “R $ 100, R $ 200, R $ 300 quickly, easily and digitally ”for low-income Brazilians and informal workers receiving emergency assistance.

Details about the insurance and card offering were not disclosed. Caixa Tem, until then, offers a digital debit card that can be used for both online and in-person purchases. During the pandemic, 67.5 million of these virtual debit cards were issued by Caixa Tem.

See also: Official calendar RELEASED from the seventh to the ninth installment of R $ 300
