Caixa details the payment schedule for the emergency extension aid


Caixa Econômica Federal begins to pay from this Wednesday (30) to the beneficiaries of emergency extension assistance (AEE) in the amount of R $ 300 (or R $ 600 for single-parent mothers). The information on the payment schedule was detailed by the president of the public bank, Pedro Guimarães, in a press conference this Tuesday afternoon (29) at the Planalto Palace.

Following the previous benefit payment mechanism, the beneficiaries will receive the new installments of the extension aid in four credit cycles. In total, there are 43.2 million and they are the people who registered through the application or registered in the Single Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

The beneficiaries of the emergency aid that belong to Bolsa Família will receive in the usual calendar, which began to be paid on the 17th and will last until tomorrow (30), covering an audience of some 16 million families

So far, R $ 213.8 billion of emergency aid has been paid to 67.2 million Brazilians, since April, when the program was instituted. This number will increase a little more because the government also confirmed today that 492 thousand registered in the program had their registration reevaluated and validated by the Ministry of Citizenship. As a result, the total beneficiaries of the program will be 67.7 million. More than 200,000 other registrations are still being re-evaluated and can also be approved and included later in the payment schedule.

“In this new cycle that begins tomorrow, cycle 3, there are 16.2 million who continue to receive emergency aid and 27 million who will receive emergency outreach aid, for a total of 43.2 million people,” said Pedro Guimarães. According to him, who had the registration approved in April, will be entitled to up to four installments of emergency extension aid. Whoever receives the following months, will receive up to three installments of the new aid.

Whoever received, in April, the first installment, has already received the five installments of the emergency aid, and they are the ones who will now begin to receive the extension aid, and will receive the four installments of the extension aid: September, October, November and dicember. Whoever received it in May will only finish receiving the fifth installment now, in the next cycle, for which they will receive three installments of the extension aid. And so on “.

Furthermore, according to the president of Caixa, the number of people who received emergency aid in the first phase was reduced and those who will now receive it through the residual program. In the R $ 600 emergency aid, about 31 million beneficiaries who signed up through the application are receiving payments, but now that number has been reduced to around 27 million. “One more analysis was made, some people have returned to work, so there is a reduction and some people have returned to work and no longer have the right to assistance,” said Guimarães.

The benefit was created in April of this year and was extended until December 31 through Provisional Measure (MP) No. 1000.

Cycle calendar

The calendar for cycle 3 begins on Wednesday (30) only for those born in January. In total, there will be 12 payment dates running through December 1. In this case, the money will be available only in digital savings, and can be used to pay bills and online purchases, through the Caixa TEM application.

Payment schedule – cycle 3

Data number of beneficiaries birth month
September 30 (Wednesday) 3.6 million janeiro
October 5 (Monday) 3.3 million February
October 7 (Wednesday) 3.8 million March
October 9 (Friday) 3.6 million April
October 11 (Sunday) 3.8 million May
October 14 (Wednesday) 3.6 million June
October 16 (Friday) 3.6 million July
October 21 (Wednesday) 3.6 million August
October 25 (Sunday) 3.7 million September
October 28 (Wednesday) 3.6 million October
October 29 (Thursday) 3.5 million November
November 1 (Sunday) 3.5 million December

Then, the government begins the payment of cycle 4, in which 8.1 million receive emergency aid quotas of R $ 600 and 35.1 million receive extension aid of R $ 300 that receive PREPA. The payment schedule for this stage runs from October 30 (born in January) to November 20 (born in December), also for exclusive movement in the digital account. See:

Payment schedule – cycle 4

Data number of beneficiaries birth month
October 30 (Friday) 3.6 million janeiro
November 4 (Wednesday) 3.3 million February
November 5 (Thursday) 3.8 million March
November 6 (Friday) 3.6 million April
November 8 (Sunday) 3.8 million May
November 11 (Wednesday) 3.6 million June
November 12 (Thursday) 3.6 million July
November 13 (Friday) 3.6 million August
November 15 (Sunday) 3.7 million September
November 16 (Monday) 3.6 million October
November 18 (Wednesday) 3.5 million November
November 20 (Friday) 3.5 million December

The digital savings credit calendar continues into cycle 5, which begins on November 22 (born in January) and runs through December 12 (born in December). The last pay cycle (cycle 6) begins on December 13 (born in January) and runs until December 29 (born in December). See in the tables:

Payment schedule – cycle 5

Data number of beneficiaries birth month
November 22 (Sunday) 3.6 million janeiro
November 23 (Monday) 3.3 million February
November 25 (Wednesday) 3.8 million March
November 27 (Friday) 3.6 million April
November 29 (Sunday) 3.8 million May
November 30 (Monday) 3.6 million June
December 2 (Wednesday) 3.6 million July
December 4 (Friday) 3.6 million August
December 6 (Sunday) 3.7 million September
December 9 (Wednesday) 3.6 million October
December 11 (Friday) 3.5 million November
December 12 (Saturday) 3.5 million December

Payment schedule – cycle 6

Data number of beneficiaries birth month
December 13 (Sunday) 6.9 million January February
December 14 (Monday) 3.8 million March
December 16 (Saturday) 3.6 million April
December 17 (Thursday) 3.8 million May
December 18 (Friday) 3.6 million July
December 20 (Sunday) 7.2 million July August
December 21 (Monday) 3.7 million September
December 23 (Wednesday) 3.6 million October
December 28 (Monday) 3.5 million November
December 29 (Tuesday) 3.5 million December

Withdrawals and transfers calendar

For the beneficiary who chooses to withdraw cash or bank transfer, the government has prepared a specific calendar, which begins on November 7 (born in January) and ends on December 5 (born in December), valid for cycles 3 and 4 Check:

Withdrawal cycle 3 and 4

Data number of beneficiaries birth month
November 7 (Saturday) 6.9 million January February
November 14 (Saturday) 3.8 million March
November 21 (Saturday) 7.4 million April May
November 24 (Tuesday) 3.6 million June
November 26 (Thursday) 3.6 million July
November 28 (Thursday) 7.3 million August September
December 1 (Tuesday) 3.6 million October
December 5 (Saturday) 7.0 million November December

In the case of the last two cycles (5 and 6), the calendar starts from December 19 (born in January) and runs until January 27, 2021 (born in December). Please refer to the following table:

Abstinence cycle 5 and 6

Data number of beneficiaries birth month
December 19, 2020 (Saturday) 6.9 million January February
January 4, 2021 (Monday) 3.8 million March
January 6, 2021 (Wednesday) 3.6 million April
January 11, 2021 (Monday) 3.8 million May
January 13, 2021 (Wednesday) 3.6 million June
January 15, 2021 (Friday) 3.6 million July
January 18, 2021 (Monday) 3.6 million August
January 20, 2021 (Wednesday) 3.7 million September
January 22, 2021 (Friday) 3.6 million October
January 25, 2021 (Monday) 3.5 million November
January 27, 2021 (Wednesday) 3.5 million December