CAIXA campaign clears YOUR name with payments from R $ 50


According to the bank, the renegotiations are carried out in person, online or by phone until December 31.

A Federal Economic Fund launched a new campaign with the objective of renegotiating debts with discounts of up to 90% in debts. Entitled “You in Blue”, the campaign until December 31, 2020.

The campaign aims to achieve 3 million people. Of this total, more than 50% have arrears of up to R $ 3,000. According to the bank, this group can have negotiated debts for only R $ 50. Everything will depend on the delay period and the type of credit contracted.

Customer service

Caixa offers the service channels for the contract renegotiation process. See:

  • Whatsapp: 0800 726 0104, option 3;
  • State-owned website;
  • social networks (Twitter and Facebook Messenger); Y
  • phone call 0800 726 8068, option 8.

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Renegotiations can also be carried out through bank branches or lottery stores, if the debt does not exceed R $ 2,000.

Default truck

More options for those who want to renegotiate debts! Seeking to further expand and facilitate access to the campaign, Caixa reported that it will make five trucks available that will travel through all regions of Brazil for debt renegotiations. See the locations:

  • 14 to 18/09: Governador Valadares (MG) and São Luís (MA);
  • 21 a 25/09: Montes Claros (MG) and Belém (PA);
  • 5 to 9/10: Pelotas (RS), Vitória (ES), Araçatuba (SP),
    Teresina (PI) and Palmas (TO);
  • 10/13 to 16: Porto Alegre (RS), Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), São José do Rio Preto (SP), Natal (RN) and Brasília (DF).

Those who renegotiate their debts will have their name excluded from credit protection bureaus, such as SPC, Serasa, and Boa Vista.

See also: Today Caixa launches aid withdrawal of R $ 600 for another group; look who can
