Caixa begins to pay this Thursday for emergency aid for the beneficiaries of Bolsa Família and registers through the application and the website; see calendar | save


Caixa Econômica Federal begins to pay on Thursday (16) the first installment of emergency aid for Bolsa Família beneficiaries and for workers who signed up for the emergency program through the application and the website.

As of 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, approximately R $ 3.2 billion had been paid to 4.9 million people. Workers registered in the Single Registry and does not receive the Family Bag They have already started receiving the benefit: last week, the funds were credited to those who have an account at Banco do Brasil or savings at Caixa, and on Tuesday the loans began for those who will receive through Caixa’s digital savings.

There are three different payment schedules.:

  1. one for beneficiaries receiving Bolsa Família;
  2. a second for enrolled in the Single Registry who do not receive a Family Bag and female heads of families;
  3. and a third for those who signed up to receive Emergency Aid through application or program website.

For those who receive digital savings through Caixa, cash withdrawals will begin to be published from the 27th. However, before that, resources can be moved digitally (see the calendar at the end of this article)

Government starts a new round of payment of aid of R $ 600 to the informal

Government starts a new round of payment of aid of R $ 600 to the informal


1. Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família

Those who receive Bolsa Família and are entitled to payment will receive the aid credit automatically, on the same calendar and in the same way as the regular benefit. Between Bolsa Família and Emergency Aid, the highest value benefit will be credited to all who are entitled.

This week, 2,719,810 Bolsa Família beneficiaries will receive, according to the calendar:

  • Thursday (16):
    – 1,360,024 beneficiaries of Bolsa Família whose last NIS digit equals 1.
  • Friday (17):
    – 1,359,786 beneficiaries of Bolsa Família whose last NIS digit equals 2.

2. Registrants in the Single Registry who do not receive Bolsa Família

As of Tuesday, they receive those registered in the Single Registry until March 20, those who do not receive Bolsa Família and who have had the eligibility criteria verified by Dataprev, including the group of female heads of household, who may be entitled to R $ 1.2 thousand.

  • Tuesday (14):
    – 273,178 people who have an account with Banco do Brasil
    – 557,835 people born in January, who will receive through Caixa’s digital savings (from noon)
  • Wednesday (15):
    – 1,635,291 people born in February, March and April, who will receive through Caixa’s digital savings
  • Thursday (16):
    – 2,282,321 people born in May, June, July and August, who will receive through Caixa’s digital savings
  • Friday (17):
    – 1,958,268 people born in September, October, November and December, who will receive through Caixa digital savings

3. Registered in the application and the website

For workers who registered through the Emergency Aid application and website, and who meet the criteria to receive the benefit, the amounts will begin to be paid on Thursday (16), in the indicated account or in the digital savings account at Caixa Econômica Federal.

Until 3 pm on Wednesday (15), the volume of those who registered through these channels exceeded 36.3 million people.

Caixa will automatically open digital savings accounts for beneficiaries considered eligible for emergency assistance and who do not have another bank account. This week alone, more than 6.6 million digital savings are opening.

Caixa will automatically open digital savings accounts for beneficiaries considered eligible for emergency assistance and those who do not have another bank account or are not beneficiaries of Bolsa Família.

Those who receive credit through the digital account can make unlimited transfers between Caixa accounts or make up to three transfers to other banks for free each month, for the next 90 days. In addition, they can pay bills and bills for water, electricity, telephone, among others. The account is exempt from fees.

Access to the account is done through the CAIXA Tem application, which can be downloaded from the smartphone application store at this link.

Digital savings withdrawals

To avoid crowding in branches, Caixa has established a calendar for beneficiaries who wish to withdraw cash The amount deposited in the digital savings open to workers:

  • April 27 – born January and February
  • April 28 – born March and April
  • April 29 – born May and June
  • April 30 – born July and August
  • May 4 – born September and October
  • May 5 – born in November and December

Emergency aid will be paid to informal workers, the unemployed, individual INSS and MEI taxpayers. See what the payment schedule should be like for all workers who are entitled to help:

First delivery schedule

  • People in the Single Registry who do not receive Bolsa Família and have an account with Banco do Brasil or a savings account with Caixa Econômica Federal: Thursday (9);
  • People in the Single Registry who do not receive Bolsa Família, with a digital savings account at Caixa or a Banco do Brasil account, including female heads of household in this group: Tuesday (April 14);
  • Informal workers who are not in the Single Registry: within 5 five business days after enrolling in the emergency assistance program through the app and website;
  • Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família: last 10 business days of April (from the 16th)following the regular schedule of the program.
  • People in the Cadastro Único who do not receive Bolsa Família and informal workers enrolled in the emergency assistance program through the application and the website: April 27-30
  • Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família: last 10 business days of May, following the regular schedule of the program
  • People in the Single Registry who do not receive Bolsa Família and workers enrolled in the emergency aid program through the application and the website: between May 26 and 29;
  • Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família: last 10 business days of June, following the regular schedule of the program

For three months, emergency assistance of R $ 600 will be granted to the worker who complies all these requirements:

  • be over 18 years of age with regular CPF;
  • not have a formal job;
  • not have a social security or assistance benefit, beneficiary of unemployment insurance or federal income transfer program, with the exception of Bolsa Família;
  • have a monthly family income of up to half a minimum wage per person (R $ 522.50) or a total monthly family income of up to three minimum wages (R $ 3,135);
  • that, in 2018, did not receive taxable income above R $ 28,559.70 in 2018.

Aid will be reduced if non-compliance with these requirements is found. The worker must exercise activity on the condition that:

  • individual microentrepreneur (MEI);
  • individual taxpayer to the General Social Security Scheme who works for himself;
  • employed, self-employed or unemployed informal worker
  • blinking idle
  • be registered in the Single Registry of the Federal Government for Social Programs (CadÚnico), until March 20, 2020
  • or that you meet the monthly household income criteria mentioned above, as long as you make a self-declaration on the government website.

The program also states that only two people from the same family will be able to receive emergency assistance. For those who receive Bolsa Família, the program may be temporarily replaced by emergency aid, if the aid amount is more advantageous.

The woman who is the mother and head of the family, and who meets the other criteria, can receive R $ 1,200 (two installments) per month.

In the family income, all the income obtained by all the members who live in the same household will be considered, except the money from Bolsa Família.

If, during this three-month period, the beneficiary of the emergency aid is hired under the CLT regime or if the family income exceeds the limit during the payment period, they will not stop receiving the aid.

Workers can order in the following ways:

The app and website should be used by workers who are individual microentrepreneurs (MEI), unregistered informal workers and individual INSS taxpayers.

Those who already receive Bolsa Família or who are registered in the Unified Registry (CadÚnico) do not need to register through the application or the website. Payment will be made automatically. (Click here to see how to know if you are in the Single Registry).

According to Minister Onyx Lorenzoni, only for people who do not have access to the Internet, it will also be possible to register with Caixa or with lottery agencies. Face-to-face registration will be an exception, only as a last resort.


Caixa reinforces the guide so that only the bank’s official applications are used and the only website available to request the benefit.

