CadÚnico: 22 benefits you can receive in 2020


The Federal Government has made a series of programs available to mitigate the financial impacts caused by the new coronavirus pandemic.

One of the main tools that have been used to implement assistance programs in the country is the Cadastro Único, better known as CadÚnico.

Through the Single Registry, states and municipalities have access to citizen information, which allows them to better understand the socioeconomic reality of each region.

In the registry, in addition to the identification of each family member, information on residence, educational level, employment status and income, among other data, is also recorded.

Through CadÚnico it is possible to select citizens who can be included in at least 22 social programs, they are:

  • Retirement for low-income people
  • Social Rate Electricity
  • Continuing Payment Benefit (BPC)
  • My Home My Life Program
  • Elderly card
  • Family scholarship
  • Popular phone
  • Exemption from payment of registration fees in public tenders
  • Tanker Programs
  • Water for everybody
  • Bolsa Verde (Program to support the conservation of the environment)
  • Dry bag
  • Promotion of Rural Productive Activities / Technical Assistance and Rural Extension
  • National Agrarian Reform Program
  • National Territorial Credit Program
  • Installation credit
  • ENEM
  • Support services
  • Literate Brazil Program
  • Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (Peti)
  • Youth identity (youth identification)
  • Social Charter

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This year, data from the Cadastro Único was also used to guarantee access to emergency aid, created by the government to help informal workers whose income was compromised due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Who can register?

The main requirement to register is family income. Citizens who have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person or three minimum wages in total for the support of all dependents, can register in CadÚnico.

The person should look for the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS). Municipal agents linked to the municipal secretariats of Social Action can also register.

To register, the person in charge over 16 years of age must present the personal documents of the family members such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, CPF, identity card (RG), work card or electoral registration.

Indigenous and Quilombola families can also present the Indigenous Administrative Birth Certificate (RANI) or Work Permit.
