businessman who worked with Clinton runs King’s business


What if I told you that Pelé, King of soccer, sacred and historical in the memory of Brazilians, does not have the last word in his decisions?

That is what you read. All matters that involve him, at least commercially, are handled by the American Joe Fraga, CEO of Sports 10, the company responsible for the King’s image rights since 2009. Pelé’s opinion is always taken into account, but the latest word. It is from Fraga. If they disagree, the CEO scores with insight and indicates what he thinks is best to do.

“We have developed a fantastic working relationship. I will always listen, discuss and respect your opinion and recommendations on any matter that we must address. I respect and honor the decisions we make, even if I have the last word,” Fraga explains to sports.

The businessman is a veteran of the US marketing and communications industry and has even worked with former US President Bill Clinton. He usually goes from meeting to meeting and has long discussions with Pelé about contract negotiations and participation in events and actions.

“Working together, it is very rare that we do not reach an agreement and the right plan that is best for him and for the opportunity that we decided to take advantage of. former player) and sometimes his family helping me in this process. I understand how important it is to maintain our relationship with our partners, the media and our fans ”.

The story of Fraga and how the name Pelé is marketed around the world opens the week in which the King of Soccer turns 80. The party is scheduled for Friday, October 23.
