a collective Line 302 C (Estaleiro / Estao Eldorado) was set on fire on Saturday night (26) outside the Nelson Hungria prison, in Contagem, Belo Horizonte. According to the Military Police (PM), the perpetrators of the crime are four hooded men, who asked the passengers to get out and set the vehicle on fire. This time, the bandits left no notes informing the reason for the attack or who would have commanded it.
URGENT! Vehicles from the Special Operations Command have just arrived in Nelson Hungary! Rodrigo Machado, director of DEPEN MG, lies and accuses relatives of setting buses on fire to justify the barbarity.#MinesContraTorture
% u2014 State Front for the Desencarceramento- MG (@desencarceramg) September 26, 2020
The shock battle has been unleashed and is already in place. According to the Secretary of State for Justice and Public Security (Sejusp), it is not yet possible to confirm whether there is a relationship between the queima give rooted and the prison system. The Fire Department said the flames were under control and there were no injuries in the incident.
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