The Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights requested the suspension of the transmission of the film Cuties by Netflix and the investigation of its distribution in Brazil, for having “pornographic content that involves children.”The request was sent to the coordination of the Permanent Commission for Children and Youth (Copeij), a collegiate body made up of prosecutors from all states and the Federal District who work directly in the area of children and youth.
The French film Mignonnes, which in the United States received the title Cuties, was released in 2020. The film was written and directed by the French-Senegalese Maïmouna Doucouré.
The feature film has an indicative rating of 16 years and shows a girl who, seeking to shed the conservative atmosphere of her home, becomes involved with a dance group.
According to the ministry, in the letter signed by the National Secretariat for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Secretary Maurício Cunha pointed out that the production, starring an 11-year-old girl, has as its background the fascination for dance, the search of freedom, development of sexual identity and conflict in relation to the religious tradition of his family.
“However, according to Cunha, the film features child pornography and multiple scenes that focus on the girls’ private parts as they reproduce erotic movements during the dance, contorting and simulating sexual practices. The script, according to him, can lead to the normalization of child hypersexuality in artistic productions, “he said in a statement.
In addition to the suspension of the film in the country, the government requests verification of responsibility for the supply and distribution of the content, emphasizing that the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA) criminalizes the act of “selling or exhibiting for the sale, video or other file that contains a pornographic scene in which children and adolescents participate, punishable by imprisonment of 4 to 8 years and a fine ”.
Disclosure controversy
The movie initially caused controversy after Netflix released the poster. In art, the girls were in sexualized poses. However, the poster released by the company is totally different from the original release of the film in France.
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At the time, US Netflix “deeply regretted the inappropriate art” used in the disclosure. “It wasn’t good, nor did it represent this French film that won an award at the Sundance Film Festival. Now we update the photos and the description ”.
We deeply regret the inappropriate illustrations we use for Mignonnes / Cuties. It was not right, nor was it representative of this French film that won an award at Sundance. Now we have updated the pictures and description.
– Netflix (@netflix) August 20, 2020
Without Twitter, netizens will upload a hashtag #CancelNetflix (Cancel Netflix) After the premiere of the film, an online petition was still submitted.
The director spoke about the criticism facing the production. He explained that he was inspired by the culture shock of leaving a Senegalese Muslim family for greater France.
“I spoke with hundreds of tweens to understand how they related to their femininity today. These girls see that the more sexualized a woman is on social media, the better she is. And yes, this is dangerous ”, explained the director in a video broadcast by Netflix.
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