Brazil registers a record of 70,000 cases of covid-19 in 24 hours; there are 183,735 dead


Brazil reached 183,735 deaths from covid-19 this Wednesday (16.De.2020), according to the Ministry of Health. There are 936 more victims than those registered the day before.

The country also confirmed more 70,574 cases in the period, for a total of 7,040,608. It is the highest amount collected by the portfolio since the beginning of the pandemic. The previous record had been on July 29, with 69,074 confirmed infections.

The high figures do not take into account the updates from São Paulo, which due to technical problems did not send records of cases and deaths.

The data indicate that 6,132,682 people recovered from the disease and 724,190 remain under follow-up.


Only the United States has more victims than Brazil, more than 313 thousand until the publication of this report.

The death toll in Brazil is also high in the proportional comparison. There are 868 deaths per million inhabitants, the second crossing of data from the Ministry of Health with the latest population estimate published by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

The rate places Brazil in position 16 in the world ranking. On October 31, he occupied the 4th position.

Belgium is the country where covid-19 kills the most in relation to the number of inhabitants. There are 1,565 deaths per million inhabitants. Understand the ratios of the Belgian numbers.


The next 2 graphs show the number of deaths and new cases per day, but also the moving average of the last 7 days. The curve qualifies eventual abrupt variations, mainly because there are always fewer reported cases on weekends.

The moving average of deaths has been above 500 for 19 days. It reached 677 this 4 (December 16).

The average number of cases increased and stood at 44,594, 15.59% more than 14 days ago. For experts, when the variation is greater than 15% it means that the disease is accelerating.


The southeast concentrated 43.5% of all confirmed deaths this Wednesday (December 16).

The South was the region that most concentrated new records: 33,727, almost half of the confirmed cases in Brazil.

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