Brazil predicts 140 million doses in the 1st semester and vaccination against Covid-19 will require CPF | Vaccine


The executive secretary of the Ministry of Health, Elcio Franco, said on Thursday (8) that Brazil is expected to offer at least 140 million doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 in the first half of 2021. According to Elcio Franco, in view of the current state of the tests, the forecast is that the vaccination will start in the first quarter of next year.

The government is still studying in a committee what the national vaccination program will look like, but it already provides for the mandatory CPF registration of vaccinated people to control any reaction.

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“Unlike other campaigns, it will require citizen identification, through the use of the CPF. This registry will allow constant monitoring of adverse events, all communication systems will be connected,” said Jacson Venâncio de Barros, director of the Department of Information Technology. THEIR.

Also according to Barros, a PDF vaccination certificate model with data in QRCode is being developed. It will be issued on a platform of the Unified Health System (SUS): each vaccinated person can save or share the receipt, and the document can be validated by third parties, including the use of a security key to guarantee authenticity.

The forecast of 140 million doses considers two sources of supply: one will be the agreement signed by Brazil with the COVAX Facility initiative, led by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition to him, the government has also signed a contract with AstraZeneca / Oxford University.

With COVAX, the government foresees doses to vaccinate 20,242,106 people, including three groups: individuals aged 80 and over (4,441,053), people with morbidities (10,766,989) and health workers (5,034,064).

All candidate vaccines in the COVAX portfolio envisage the application of two doses for complete immunization, as well as the vaccine designed by partners AstraZeneca / Oxford. Thus, the estimated 140 million doses would be enough to immunize about 70 million Brazilians, that is, 33% of the population. The government still anticipates its own dose production in the second half and is still evaluating new agreements with other suppliers.

According to the government, each dose of vaccine received through the COVAX Facility will cost US $ 21.90. In total, the agreement with the WHO foresees a disbursement of R $ 2.5 billion and a first payment of R $ 830,895,256.59 has already been made, according to the ministry.

The Covax portfolio currently considers the following developers as potential vaccine suppliers: Inovio, Moderna, Curevac, ThemisMerk, Oxford / AstraZeneca, Novavax, Queensland University, Clover and the University of Hong Kong.

In the agreement with the AstraZeneca / Oxford producers, the forecast is to deliver 100 million doses in the first half of 2021. In the second half, it is expected to produce 165 million doses. According to the ministry, the estimated cost per dose will be $ 3.16.

The ministry says it monitors other vaccines, such as the Chinese vaccine that will be produced by Butantan, but there is no definition yet on the purchase of doses.

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