Braz says that Flamengo did not talk about leaving the Dome: “It was never thought of” | Flamengo


Flamengo vice president of soccer, Marcos Braz, gave a virtual press conference this Saturday afternoon, in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The main theme: the repercussion of the 5-0 defeat against Independiente del Valle, last Thursday, and the pressure on coach Domènec Torrent. Braz said that leaving Catalan was not discussed.

– The word “banking” makes me uncomfortable. Dome is part of our planning, including the match against Palmeiras. At no time was there any talk of his departure. There is unanimity within the board. Everyone came to work, we had extensive meetings to discuss part of the awards and other things that are considered important. And this hypothesis was never considered.

Marcos Braz, Flamengo vice president of football – Photo: Playback

Next Tuesday Flamengo has another bet on Libertadores, this time against Barcelona, ​​in Guayaquil. Second in Group A, the team needs to score points so as not to risk losing its position. When asked about the risk of firing Dome in the event of another loss, Braz responded as follows:

– I am not going to do an analysis here on defeat, this board does not do an analysis on defeat. We do planning. I suspect it has worked so far. I’m not going to talk about facts, “if you lose 5, if you win 5”. This is not the moment, it is the moment to arrive, to understand the moment, what is happening. If we look behind other moments of other coaches who were with us, we also experienced some discomfort, and the work continued.

Other excerpts from Braz’s interview:

The result of the match was unthinkable. In no league can Flamengo lose 5-0, it is not part of the victorious history of the board of this club. What I can say about this are two points. Until today, none of this has been thought of (Exit Dome). And there is a thought in unity. I don’t have much to say about it. This does not mean that we, the board, the players and the people who are part of this process are unaware of the extent of this defeat. A defeat that could not happen.

We see work daily, he came here on Monday, he went to the game on Saturday. ‘Ah, but it happens everywhere.’ It happens, but it’s wrong. It’s wrong because sometimes it happens that I don’t have four, five days. It was brave. He might as well come over and say, ‘Braz, that’s fine, but I’m going to start a game later to figure out some personal things.’ And he didn’t, he came to work, he came to work because he knows he didn’t have time. But that cannot be an excuse for the fans, only that not analyzing this point causes me deep discomfort.

This has nothing to do with playing anything. Sometimes “playing” is arrogance. Who am I to play someone? I don’t play anyone. Now, I have my analysis, I pass it on to my president, to the members of my board. And I pass my analysis here to the fans, to journalists and to all those who question. It is not about playing for the sake of playing. It is not arrogance, arrogance. And yes, a slightly cooler analysis of conditions at the moment.

Chance to run for councilor and reconcile with Flamengo

I was the secretary of Sports in Rio within the Olympic cycle, I was vice president of Suderj, I always had passages in politics. At no point did I say that I would be a candidate for A, B or C. Can you reconcile? I think so. But it has nothing to do with my decision.

Relationship of the Spaniards of the technical committee with the professionals of the Fla

I think this relationship is being built when we had a similar event when another Portuguese coach came with his coaching staff, he had 20 days intertempora and then the games started. In those days, that relationship was built. I see that it is normal, this relationship is being paved. I try to help a lot, other people also try to help. So that integration is as fast and accurate as possible.

Does the team have difficulty understanding the coach?

In any moment. All this is part of an integration process, a work philosophy that needs to mature. I understand the fans, I understand the teammates and all the segments. Dissatisfaction with the result that happened. The board and I respect these positions. But we also have to be a little cooler because we have information, internal analysis. We know we need time to build.

Decrease in technical performance of some players and preparation for the second leg

Within the assessment we have (about the players), the group that entered the field was the Libertadores champion. I don’t see that (income drop). As for training and physical conditioning, we need to have the temporary relationship. Four months ago, we didn’t know what was going to happen, nobody knew if the championship was going to be sooner or later. In the middle of this process, we had a coach change. We don’t do everything right, but I’m not saying we’re wrong about that either.

We are there without knowing if there will be an audience or not, but we are supporting common sense. Of course, with a level of security. But we will see at the end of the season to see who will arrive in one piece. For this we need time to know if it was wrong or not.

Relationship between the cast and the coach

The dressing room was always united, there was no internal problem. The players have a very good relationship. Of course, in a group of 30 players, it exists anywhere. Between 4 or 5 you have a stronger relationship, with others it may be less. But that does not mean that he has no respect or company. Dome’s relationship with the cast is good.

Absence of players called up for the national teams

Of course it worries (loss of Everton and Rodrigo Caio in three days of the Brazilian). We lose them, Arrascaeta and a great possibility of losing Isla. We are worried, but this concern has to come and go because we are going to enter with 11 on the field, and any 11 that enter the field is no excuse to lose games. Especially since we had enough time to have a strong and strengthened cast. I believe in everyone. Without exception.

Political group request for the impeachment of Dome

First, I face the world in a more natural way. What I can say is this: the one who has to solve this is the football committee member (Dekko Roisman) with his group. No discomfort was expressed to me with the technician. As I am from politics, I will make a suggestion. Either the group eliminates Dekko or Dekko leaves the group. I accept everyone’s criticism and discomfort, here we never gave the fans a banana. We always respect it.

Dome reaction from 5 to 0

Of course he (Dome) showed discontent, he was crazy inside the locker room, saying it never happened to him, at least he didn’t remember it. That word (quiet) can never be put after a 5-0 interview. Flamengo has to be like this, it has always been like that. But we need to walk, we need to understand that we need to reverse this situation and move on. We are confident in this because of the titles won in 2019 and 2010. This board is not committed to defeat and is not committed to it. But then, not doing things with planning and security, I think this is the way we have to look. And united, as we are here.

We have to understand: this season is not until December, it is until March. This has nothing to do with 5-0, just to be clear. Flamengo cannot take the 5 to 0 at any time. But we have competition from this season until March. You have to be careful to tighten the training now and “twist the rope”, which is an expression we use in football when time passes, it reaches its peak with a lot of time until the end of the competition and then there is a descent. sudden (performance). But I think we are going to build a good path by 2021.

Problematic relationship with BAP

We have had worse times. You have a big role in budget building, you are an important person, and you have your size on the board. We have a management model. The relationship is institutional, cordial. And that’s what Flamengo cares about.

Throw some of the blame

The (group’s) blame share is equal to that of the board. It’s all the same.

Evaluation error with Dome?

There was no evaluation error or broken promise from the Dome. What happens is that, due to the schedule, the pandemic, because it has game after game, understands that it has to make a greater exchange between players so that they are preserved in a minute of analysis, it is not a conjecture. So that when we reach the final stretch, we have excellence with all the players. I understand the question, but I don’t see any breaches or errors in our hiring. Of course, we wanted other, slightly better results.

Chance for a player to come out? Arrascaeta, Bruno Henrique and Gerson

This is like my candidacy (laughs) … these players are long gone. One goes to Benfica, another goes to I don’t know where. He is the father of one who talks to another … But they are still there and even lost from 5 to 0. We do not sell and we also lose from 5 to 0. They are here, they are still here, they have a contract. These three players (Arrascaeta, Bruno Henrique and Gerson) have fines of more than 40.50 million euros. We will be at the table to discuss, but so far there is nothing. In Portugal, the staff are excited to bring the players (Bruno Henrique and Gerson). The Arabs arrived … (through Arrascaeta).

This is an effort by the board to keep this team, to keep these players here. This exchange rate difference is huge, it makes it attractive for the player to have a quick adjustment when exiting. Entrepreneurs trying to do their job. From parents, trying to do what is best for their children. But then I also have to highlight the role of the board, the effort of Landim, the effort of other departments.

I have no doubts (that performance increases with the crowd). I don’t mean 100% by not thinking that I make excuses. But it is another atmosphere. Even more so with the Flamengo fans, who charge, stay up, it puts everyone who is in the process in a more uncomfortable situation so that we can be successful.

Internal impact of defeat

Of course, there is an analysis on top of that (defeat). But the impact in addition to what was planned for Guayaquil is zero. Why? Because we are here eight hours from home, so some analysis is impossible. When I spoke of defeat, it is clear that defeat itself has an impact. It was 5-0, it was Flamengo’s biggest defeat in the Libertadores. Of course, we activate an alert, everyone is uncomfortable.

The team is fine. First of all, take the 2,800 meters, here we are already at sea level. Immediately after the game we got on the chartered plane to get to Guayaquil. This is the work of uniting, of other people. The people here work with excellence. But we are doing well. We will stay here for five days. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t let it go, but I do it my way. Rest assured that this matter (defeat) has been addressed.

Renovation of Diego Alves

We work on all the renovations, we are working on this one. But every hour has a problem, there is a journey. In the middle of this process we had to travel to bring us to Isla. Diego Alves is our priority, I have to talk about that. Our relationship with him, I don’t know if he remembers, Diego Alves was absent for three months, and our board made him stay. I think the board did well, I think I did well and I think the athlete did well to stay here. We believe this will be resolved. It’s not an order of priority, “oh that athlete renewed it first …”. It is because you have to renew one by one, after renewing with a pass to another. We are talking systematically with his manager and I don’t think we have any problems.
