The support of President Jair Bolsonaro was the flag raised on the first day of the electoral campaign of the candidates for mayor of Rio. The current mayor Marcelo Crivella (Republicans), candidate for re-election, resorted to the image of the president and was criticized by his opponents Luiz Lima (PSL) and Eduardo Paes (DEM). Early in the morning, Crivella published a “virtual saint” with a montage in which he appears alongside Bolsonaro, who had been offering veiled support to the mayor, but declared that he would not participate in the first round of the municipal elections. A video of Crivella’s campaign, circulating on social media, features a jingle whose chorus says the mayor is “with Bolsonaro.”
Luiz Lima, who is part of the base of government in the National Congress and was launched by the PSL in the hope of also attracting Bolsonaro’s support, covered the mayor’s propaganda material and cited the support of the Republican party for the candidacy of Geraldo Alckmin to the presidency in 2018. Paes, for his part, sought to get rid of the national polarization and said he will not carry out a campaign “to suck Bolsonaro, Lula or Ciro.”
Crivella built an alliance with the Bolsonaro family in recent months and managed to attract to his party Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, the main articulator of the president’s political group in the state of Rio, and Councilor Carlos Bolsonaro, candidate for a new term in the City Council, and his mother. of them, Rogéria Bolsonaro, also a candidate for councilor. The association with Bolsonaro is seen by the mayor’s allies as one of the pillars of his campaign, along with the polarization with former mayor Eduardo Paes and the electoral exploitation of the inauguration of the Yellow Line, which also became part of Crivella’s legal strategy to reverse a conviction that made him ineligible.
On the first official day of the campaign, the mayor avoided references to his opponents or to the process appealed in the Electoral Court. After canceling his participation in an ecumenical service at Parque Madureira at the last minute, the only activity yesterday that had been released to the press, Crivella attended the campaign launches of two Republican council candidates in Santo Cristo, downtown Rio and in the Jacaré favela, in the North Zone. In a brief speech in the first act, organized by candidate Pablo Mello – a member of the WhatsApp group of the “Guardians of Crivella” -, the mayor spoke of “winning in the first round.”
Paes began his street campaign in Complexo do Alemão, signing a document with 17 promises to improve living conditions in the favelas. The digital campaign began shortly after midnight, with the publication of a video in which the former mayor defends himself against accusations of corruption and says it is a clean slate. Like Crivella, Paes was declared ineligible by TRE-RJ, but managed to obtain a court order in 2018 to suspend the sentence.
In Alemão, Paes avoided exploring Crivella’s legal situation and said he hoped his appeal would be accepted and that he would contest the elections, wanting to “defeat him at the polls.” The former mayor also sought to associate Crivella with outgoing Gov. Wilson Witzel (PSC), his opponent in the 2018 elections, calling one “incompetent” and the other “sham.” He also sought to focus on local issues.
– I will not participate in a campaign to suck Bolsonaro, Lula or Ciro. The next day, I’m going to work together, ”said Paes.
Lima, which began the campaign with a walk in Campo Grande, was accompanied by supporters who wore Bolsonaro campaign shirts in 2018 and Brazilian flags. Forbidden to use the image of the president, due to the support of Flávio and Carlos for Crivella, Lima tried to wink at the Bolsonarista electorate by recalling the Republicans’ alignment with the PSDB in the first round of the presidential election.
– While I was on the street in 2018, asking for votes for the president, Crivella was asking for votes for Alckmin – said Lima.
Clarissa Garotinho (PROS) gave a “hug” to the headquarters of the Rio de Janeiro City Council with 20 candidates for councilor of the party. The candidate defended that the city needs to “put to work what is not working today.” Fred Luz (Novo) went to live with deputies and candidates for councilor of the party. Suêd Haidar (PMB) also made a live to present his candidacy. Glória Heloíza (PSC) registered electoral programs. And Cyro García (PSTU) held a virtual meeting with supporters.