Bolsonaro uses the networks to bounce followers and defend the nomination of Kassio Marques


BRASÍLIA – President Jair Bolsonaro took advantage of this Sunday morning to refute the criticisms of his supporters, on social networks, about the appointment of Judge Kassio Marques for the vacancy that Minister Celso de Mello will leave in the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

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The launch of a STF tender that provided for the purchase of food such as lobsters and expensive wines, the alleged proximity to the PT, the claim of “disarmament” attributed to the judge and the support of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) are some of The critics. on the president’s social media. Bolsonaro responded to some of these messages.

Meeting: Bolsonaro meets Toffoli, Kássio Marques and Alcolumbre on Saturday night

“On the basis of what specific fact do you criticize judge Kassio Nunes?” Asks Bolsonaro, who asked him to review the nomination. “She did not seek sources on all these charges,” the president told two other supporters.

One follower cited the lobster episode, classifying the indication as “a bad choice” and stating: “You are creating snakes that will give you the boat !!!!” Bolsonaro then replied: “wait, another lie.”

In May last year, Judge Kassio Marques issued a decision releasing a Supreme Court tender that provided for the purchase of foods such as lobsters and expensive wines. The purchase had been overturned by a federal judge, but Marques reversed his decision and said he saw no irregularities in the tender.

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Supporters of the president also complained about Marques’ alleged “disarmamentist” preferences. In the conversation, a user of the social network asked Bolsonaro if it was true that Marques is a “CAC”, as collectors, snipers and sports hunters are known. This supporter also asks if this can “help us with the possession and possession processes.”

Bolsonaro responds: “He is CAC, but there is another lie about him in this matter that I will explain until tomorrow.”

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The president also defends Marques for his participation in the decision to suspend the first instance order for the extradition of Italian terrorist Cesare Battisti. The judge voted with the other colleagues in favor of suspending the extradition. According to Bolsonaro, Marques “participated in a trial that dealt exclusively with procedural issues and did not issue an opinion or extradition vote.”

Marques was appointed federal judge by then-president Dilma Rousseff, in 2011, after having been the most voted on the triple list of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). For a supporter of the president, there is “closeness of the judge to the PT.”

Bolsonaro tries to minimize this relationship: “Do you know how many ministers and secretaries of mine have worked in PT governments? Do you think I should fire Tarcísio? ”.

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The Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, one of the assistants to the president most celebrated by government supporters on social media, worked in the PT governments and was director of the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure (DNIT) during the administration by Dilma.

To a follower who called for the appointment of the Minister of the Superior Labor Court (TST) Ives Gandra Martins Filho, Bolsonaro said that “he had several good candidates and only one vacancy.” And he took the opportunity, in another response, to quote the former Minister of Justice Sergio Moro, who left the government accusing the president of trying to interfere in the Federal Police and has already been designated as the main candidate for the vacancy in the STF: “not long ago they demanded that Moro indicated …… “

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Responding to a supporter who defended Marques’ nomination, Bolsonaro said his supporters will understand the election: “We really had a great victory in the STF. A hug”.

In addition to Marques’ nomination, Bolsonaro was asked about his visit on Saturday to the home of STF minister Dias Toffoli, with the presence of Davi Alcolumbre. Bolsonaro responded: “I need to govern. I talk to everyone in Brasilia. A hug”.

The son of President Carlos Bolsonaro also took to social networks to defend his father’s meeting with the STF minister and with the senator and the photo that records the meeting of the three. According to Carlos, “there is an attempt to sew an alternative for Brazil to walk.”

“If a photo meant something, each one has ‘unpublishable’ people that I admire with antagonists … The country’s interest patterns were maintained in all areas for about 2 years and an alternative is being created for Brazil to walk. The work that the government has been doing to ‘rape’ a man who alone does not have the power that many believe he has! Criticisms are welcome, as are qualities that cannot be ignored!
