Bolsonaro tells journalists to shut up and denies interference with PF – Jornal CORREIO


The President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, denied the interference with the Federal Police (PF), but did not want to answer directly whether or not he requested the exchange of the institution’s superintendency in Rio de Janeiro. When journalists asked him about the matter, on the morning of Tuesday the 5th, Bolsonaro was visibly upset and told the professionals to shut up and speak several times.

On Monday the 4th, the new general director of the PF, Rolando Alexandre de Souza, changed the command of the superintendency of the corporation in Rio.

The move was one of the first actions for the new PF chief after taking office on Monday, about 20 minutes after he was appointed to the job. Superintendent Carlos Henrique Oliveira was invited to assume the position of executive director of the PF, which places him as number two of the new director.

“The current superintendent of Rio de Janeiro, to whom (former minister Sergio) Moro said that I want to exchange for family matters … There is no member of my family investigated by the PF, neither I nor my children. Zero. A lie that the press replicates all the time, saying that my children want to change the superintendent, “Bolsonaro said.

“Where is he going (Carlos Henrique Oliveira)? To be executive director of the FP, he will be the superintendent, there are 27 superintendencies, to be executive director. Am I changing it? Am I influencing the FP? It is a scam,” said the President.

Then, questioned by the report of the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo and the Broadcast (Grupo Estado’s real-time news system) if he asked for the exchange in the Rio superintendency, Bolsonaro responded by telling the professional to shut up. “Shut up, I didn’t ask anything,” he yelled.

At the insistence of another journalist, he again told journalists to shut up.

“I did not interfere with anything,” Bolsonaro continued. “I have nothing against the superintendent of RJ and I do not interfere in the PF. He is being invited to be executive director, zero two. It is the same thing that I arrived, I suppose, for the MD and said that I want the Commander of the Military Command to change from the South that I don’t like and put him as Army commander. It’s the same, “he declared.

From the beginning, the president showed the cover of this Tuesday’s edition of the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, whose headline makes a connection between the exchange and the interest of the president’s children. “It is a title of scoundrel and liar, and you, from the media, are very ashamed.
