Bolsonaro shares fake content and Instagram hides the president’s post | Technology


Instagram hid a post with fake content replicated this Monday by President Jair Bolsonaro in his official stories. The message said: incorrectly, that the number of deaths from respiratory diseases in Ceará fell between March 16 and May 10, 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.

In this 2019 interval, 1,976 deaths from respiratory diseases were recorded in the state, while in 2020, there were 2,639 deaths. The increase was 33% during the pandemic period. of the new coronavirus.

  • It is # FALSE that the number of deaths from respiratory diseases in Ceará in 2020 is less than in 2019
  • Coronavirus killed more patients than stroke, heart attack, and lung cancer in Ceará

The image shared by Bolsonaro has been circulating on social networks, but it came after it was published by state deputy André Fernandes (PSL-CE).

Citing the Transparency Portal of the Civil Registry as a source, which collects data from the registry offices, the publication indicates that, in the period, there were 6,377 deaths in 2019 and 6,296 in 2020. And he asks: “Why in 2019 did they not have the same fanfare? ”

In addition to deaths from respiratory diseases, the figure released by the president also includes deaths from sepsis, undetermined causes, and “other deaths,” which include homicides and accidents.

THE message was verified by Agência Lupa, which has a news verification partnership with Facebook, the parent company of Instagram. The inserted warning marks the post as false and explains that the content has been verified. Even so, it is possible to see the information if the user wishes.

OR Fact or falseThe Globo Group’s fact-checking service also verified the veracity of the information disclosed by the president. IT’S FALSE.

Coronavirus: Isolation rate increases in Ceará after tightening restrictions

Coronavirus: Isolation rate increases in Ceará after tightening restrictions

On Monday (11), until 5 in the afternoon, Ceará exceeded the 1.1 thousand deaths mark due to the new virus. Another 334 suspected deaths from the disease are still under investigation. In Brazil, Ceará is the third in deaths caused by Covid-19 in Brazil and, currently, it is only behind São Paulo (3,743) and Rio de Janeiro (1,770).

The number of deaths caused by Covid-19 in Ceará is already higher than that registered in at least 141 countries worldwide, according to data from the US Johns Hopkins University, which maps, in real time, the number of confirmed cases and deaths by the surrounding disease. the world.

The analysis considers places where the pandemic is already in decline; where she just started; or that have an epidemiological curve similar to that of the state.

Ceará records 16,775 cases of coronavirus and 1,153 deaths

Ceará records 16,775 cases of coronavirus and 1,153 deaths

A survey of the G1 shows that Covid-19 only killed, in March and April, more patients in Ceará than the historically most common causes of deaths together in the state, such as: heart attack, stroke and lung cancer (the most recurrent type of malignancy). Together, the three causes killed 579 people in the state in March and April. In the same period, Ceará had 705 patients killed by coronavirus.

These are official figures, which exclude the possible under-registration of deaths from the disease, and are included in IntegraSUS, Sesa’s public platform, which, among other information, has mortality indicators in 184 municipalities in Ceará in the last 10 years.

IntegraSUS collects monthly data, which prevented May from being included in the comparison. Indicators for May show that, in the first nine days, the state had at least 409 new deaths from Covid-19.
