President Jair Bolsonaro said on Thursday (23) on a social network that he did not approve the announcement that the second installment of R $ 600 emergency aid would be presented. According to him, this statement was made by a minister, “without authorization” .
The anticipation of the second installment was announced by the government on Monday (20), in an interview about the emergency benefit. This Wednesday (22), the Ministry of Citizenship ruled out the possibility because many people have not even received the first delivery.
“Nothing has been canceled. A minister announced, without authorization, that he would anticipate the second installment. First, the first installment must be paid to everyone, then the money depends on the supplemental credit since the number of applicants has exceeded almost 10 million. Everything will be paid as planned by Caixa “, wrote the official profile of the president.
The response was given to a follower who asked about a “relief cancellation” of R $ 600, paid to low-income and informal families affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In the original post, Bolsonaro spoke about another topic: the price of fuel in refineries.
The president’s publication does not explicitly state who the “unauthorized” minister would be. Monday’s announcement was made by Caixa President Pedro Guimarães at a press conference with Citizenship Minister Onyx Lorenzoni.
Pedro Guimarães even announced an anticipation schedule. According to this calendar, now canceled, the payment would start this Thursday and would continue until the 29th, staggered according to the beneficiary’s date of birth.
According to Guimarães, this anticipation would be possible because the payment capacity exceeds the rate of approval of the records by Dataprev. “As we have not received [toda] the database, we anticipate the payment. If we had received the database, we would not have anticipated it, “he said.
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Citizenship canceled the advance that indicates another problem, of a budgetary nature. According to the folder, to start paying the second installment while paying the first “late” entry fee, it would be necessary to approve more space in the budget.
“Due to legal and budgetary factors, due to the high number of applicants still under analysis, we cannot legally anticipate the second delivery of emergency aid,” the federal government reported.
The original schedule, announced in early April, provides for the payment of the second installment between April 27-29, next week. In the most recent statement, the ministry did not provide specific dates for depositing aid.