President Jair Bolsonaro made a statement on Friday afternoon (24) in which he said that former Minister of Justice and Security Sergio Moro told him that he would accept the replacement of the director general of the Federal Police, but only in November, after be nominated for a vacancy as Minister of the Federal Supreme Court.
Earlier on Friday, Sergio Moro announced his resignation because, according to the former minister, Bolsonaro tried to interfere politically with the Federal Police by deciding to dismiss the director general of the Federal Police, Mauricio Valeixo. Moro did not accept.
In his speech, in response to Sergio Moro’s morning demonstration, Bolsonaro stated that:
- Sergio Moro conditioned the replacement of Mauricio Valeixo on his appointment, Moro, for STF minister; after the president’s speech, Moro contested that statement;
- you do not have to ask anyone for authorization to change any person who occupies a position in the Executive Branch;
- He asked Moro, but never obtained, a daily report on FP activities in order to make government decisions;
- During the Moro administration, the PF was more concerned with investigating the murder of Councilor Marielle Franco of Rio de Janeiro than with the attack he suffered during the electoral campaign;
- If Moro wanted independence and authority, he should run.
On Sergio Moro’s alleged proposal to accept Mauricio Valeixo’s resignation, but only in November
“More than once, Mr. Sergio Moro told me: ‘You can change Valeixo, yes, but in November, after you nominate me for the Federal Supreme Court’. I am sorry, but it is not,” Bolsonaro declared.
Starting in November, with the removal of Minister Celso de Mello, the President of the Republic will have to appoint a new minister to the court.
After Bolsonaro’s speech, Moro wrote on a social network: “The permanence of the Director General of the PF, Maurício Valeixo, was never used as a currency for my appointment in the STF. In fact, if that were my objective, I would have accepted yesterday with the replacement of the General Director of PF “.
In the morning, Moro said he was surprised by the publication in the “Diário Oficial da União” of the dismissal of Mauricio Valeixo. The publication was signed by Bolsonaro and Moro.
“I did not sign this decree, at no time was it brought in, at no time did the director of the Federal Police make a formal request for removal,” said the former minister.
Early in the evening, the decree with the dismissal of Valeixo was republished by the “Official Gazette” without Moro’s name.
Bolsonaro said he spoke with Maurício Valeixo on the phone on Thursday night (23), when the exoneration of the general director of the PF would have been agreed upon request, since he felt tired.
“The dismissal came after a conversation with the Minister of Justice yesterday morning. In the evening, Dr. Valeixo and I spoke on the phone and accepted the dismissal upon request. Sorry, Minister, you are not going to call me a liar. There are no more serious charges for a man like me, a military man, a Christian, to be accused of this. That was my conversation with Dr. Valeixo, “said Bolsonaro.
Criticism of the ‘ego’ of the former minister
For Bolsonaro, Moro is committed “with his own ego”, “with himself” and “not with Brazil”.
Before making the statement, the President of the Republic declared on a social network that he would restore “the truth” in his press release.
“I knew it would not be easy. It is one thing for you to admire a person. The other is to live with him, work with him. This morning, by coincidence, having coffee with some members of parliament, I said to him: ‘Today you will meet that person who is committed to himself, his ego and not to Brazil, “he said.
Bolsonaro comments on Moro’s decision: “it is one thing to admire a person, another to live together”
Bolsonaro held the demonstration at the Planalto Palace, standing, accompanied by government ministers.
“Today, this person will look for a way to put a gap between me and the Brazilian people. This happened a few hours ago,” he said, referring to Moro.
The former minister assumed in 2019 as minister of justice and public security at the invitation of Bolsonaro. For this reason, he gave up his 22-year career as a federal judge: he was responsible for the processes of Operation Lava Jato in Federal Justice in Curitiba.
Bolsonaro said in the statement that he asked Moro for a daily report on the activities of the Federal Police in order to make decisions.
“I always told him: ‘I live, I have no information from the Federal Police. I have to have a report of what happened every day, especially in the last 24 hours, to be able to decide well the future of this nation’. I never asked the progress of any process, especially because intelligence, with him, lost space in justice, almost begging for information, and thus I always compiled information from other official government intelligence agencies, such as Abin, who is in charge of a police delegate Federal, “he declared.
He said he does not need authorization to change any person who occupies a position in the Executive.
“There was talk of my interference with the FP. Now, if I can change the minister, why can’t I, according to the law, change the director of the FP? I don’t have to ask anyone for authorization to change the director or any another person who is in the hierarchical pyramid of the Executive Power, “he declared.
According to the president, the Federal Police was more concerned with identifying the perpetrators of the murder of Councilwoman Marielle Franco (PSOL-RJ) than with investigating the attack that he, Bolsonaro, suffered during the electoral campaign.
“Sérgio Moro’s PF was more concerned with Marielle than with her overlord. I covered it a lot, I did not interfere. I think that all the good people in Brazil want to know: I understand, I’m sorry, ex-minister, between my case and Marielle’s, mine is much less difficult to solve, “he said.” I believe that the life of President of the Republic has a meaning. After all, he is the head of state. Is that interfering with the Federal Police? “He added.
With respect to Moro’s accusation, according to which Bolsonaro asked to change the general director of PF to have access to investigations and consultations, the president contested. “I never asked him to let the PF protect me wherever I went,” he said.
In an excerpt from the speech, Bolsonaro reinforced that the appointment of the director general of the PF depends on him and that, if one day “he submits to a subordinate”, he will stop being president.
“We agreed, as I did with all ministers: ‘You will have autonomy in your ministry.’ Autonomy is not a sign of sovereignty. For all ministers, and also for him, I spoke of my veto power. Key positions would have to pass. by my hands and I would give the green light or not. For all the ministers, this was done. More than 90% of those who passed, I gave the green light, “he declared.
In his speech, President Jair Bolsonaro stated that he never sought Moro to interfere with the ongoing investigations.
However, the president himself said that he had contacted the former judge to discuss investigations related to the doorman of the condominium where he lives, his son Jair Renan and Adélio Bispo de Oliveira, who stabbed Bolsonaro during the 2018 presidential campaign. .
The president said he did not see this act as interference, but as a “plea.”
“Mr. Sergio Moro knows that I never sought him out to interfere with the investigations that were being carried out, apart from those. I did not see [como] interference, which was a plea about Adélio, the doorman and my son 04 ”, declared the president.
Bolsonaro said he still did not have “anguish” about Moro, but emphasized that he told the deputies that they would know who does not want him “in the presidential chair.”
The president also said that if Moro would like to have “independence and authority,” he should be a candidate.
“I cannot live, or it is difficult to live, with a person who thinks very differently from you,” he added.