RIO – President Jair Bolsonaro rejected the request of Marcelo Crivella (Republicans) and decided that he will not go to Rio to participate in an act of the mayor’s campaign, which seeks re-election. Crivella went to Brasilia last night to meet with the president this morning, but returns to Rio frustrated at the denial.
Do the test: Paes or Crivella? With which candidate do you most identify?
According to members of the Bolsonaro nucleus, the good relationship with former mayor Eduardo Paes (DEM) weighed in the final decision, which disputes with Crivella the preference of the electorate in this second round. In addition, the president seeks not to wear down his image at all, since the polls point to a scenario of wide favoritism for Paes. Crivella, Bolsonaro, who recorded support videos in the first round, justified his absence from the campaign arguing that he seeks to avoid problems with the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).
Datasheet: Paes leads the second round in Rio with 54% of the votes; Crivella has 21%
On Thursday, O GLOBO anticipated that Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicans) advised his father to adopt a more neutral stance in the second round.
Now, as an alternative, Crivella’s campaign tries to convince the president to authorize federal deputy Hélio Lopes (PSL-RJ), also known as Hélio Negão or Hélio Bolsonaro, to participate in agendas with Crivella in Rio.
Initially, the mayor would have breakfast with the president on Thursday (19), but, as he was late, he was received for lunch at the Palácio da Alvorada. Not to say that the trip was completely lost for Crivella, Bolsonaro recorded new videos of support with the mayor, which will be shown during election hours.
In addition to the refusal to take to the streets, Bolsonaro also rejected Crivella’s request to attack the former government of Eduardo Paes at the Rio de Janeiro City Hall. In the video recorded with Crivella, the president simply says that he knows Crivella and asks his voters to vote for him, highlighting the importance of having a person in the city aligned with his government. The mayor’s campaign wanted the president to claim that Crivella had been mismanaged by his predecessor.