Bolsonaro receives Rodrigo Maia no Planalto apó criticá-em found with businessmen | Politics


O President Jair Bolsonaro met for a few minutes on this fifth (14), not Palácio do Planalto, as the president of Câmara, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ).

Or he found himself in the position of Bolsonaro, in a video conference with businessmen, criticizing the conduct of provisional measures by the president of Câmara.

“Say to the President that we need to find the points that unite us,” Maia na Câmara affirmed in an interview that she found, in reference to the crisis of the coronavirus. Second ele, “or important is that we all sit down at the table and discuss the ways”.

In the virtual meeting with businessmen, Bolsonaro criticized, mentioning Rodrigo Maia’s name, in favor of the president of Câmara, favoring the social regulation, as recommended by specialists from the World Health Organization (WHO).

“It seems that he wanted to fund the economy, to rule or govern, perhaps to throw a political profit on the front,” said Bolsonaro.

During an interview, a journalist question or president of Câmara: “Ele [Bolsonaro] Accused or senhor of boycotting or governo “.” We are going to build the roads to sair da crise. I am not going to answer that question, “said Rodrigo Maia.

Bolsonaro also criticized the delivery of the report on MP 936, which makes employment contracts more flexible, as deputy Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP).

“Delivering to MP gives flexibility to contracts for the PC to be solved. So, people who are not governed, are inside our house, which they do not want to resolve or issue. It seems that this is according to their agreement. E não dá para fazer according to esquerda. We do not know which linha da esquerda. É uma linha union, é uma linha that really is not turned for or development, “Bolsonaro told the businessmen.

Segundo Maia, every time that Orlando Silva recounted his material saiu bem. “He is an excellent rapporteur,” he said.

Bolsonaro fez, ainda, criticism of the processing of MP 910, which deals with the financial regularization and will lose validity due to lack of agreement on voting. Or the text is not plenary of the Chamber, but the leaders have agreed, and the protocol was a project of a similar commander, instead of advancing to MP sent by the government.

“Nosso dialogue foi to maintain or dialogue, não foi to divide”, disse Rodrigo Maia. “As president of Câmara, I have a responsibility to always be in dialogue,” he said. “My role in Câmara has been to build pontes, to build dialogues.”

Maia claimed that during or found the president a lawsuit from Câmara about the addition of Enem this year.

The second or president of Câmara, Bolsonaro “ficou muito sensível” and will endorse to give a response to or lawsuit two deputies.

“Melhor a solution that passes the decision of the president with dialogue as the parliament that a decision of the parliament to suspend by law or legislative decree to the decision of the government of nia adiar, até or moment, as provas do Enem,” said Maia.

Visit to or committee of crise

Before meeting as president, Maia visited two ministers Luiz Eduardo Ramos (Secretary of Government) and Braga Netto (Civil House), or Coordination Center for Operações do Comitê de Crise da Covid-19, (Ccop), installed not the second walk of Palácio do Planalto. O Ccop face part of Comitê de Crise da Covid-19, coordinated by Casa Civil.

After briefly meeting with Rodrigo Maia, Bolsonaro was attached to the ramp of Palácio do Planalto, where he remained for 15 minutes. The President of the Republic is not a daily worker; submit acenou for supporters.
